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I'm going to put this here because there seems to be a mix up with something's

May did not leave because Harry got drunk

Them going on a break has nothing to do with him being drunk

May doesn't really care about him being drunk , only the day of she minded

I thought I made that clear but I guess not

Please do not pm me in my messages calling me an "immature cunt" for making may the way she is. I'm sorry may doesn't like Harry shit face drunk , but that's the way I made her character be so please stop. And I'm sorry if the story line is not how you want it, if you don't like it then stop reading.

Anyways here's the chapter


I shouldn't be doing this.

Or maybe I should and I feel guilty that I haven't earlier.

Either way I'm nervous.

I put my key into the front door of the apartment and soon step in. My eyes look down the hallway and down to the floor that has glass.

My heart pinches. Sadie was right. Everything in this place is ruined. There are no lights on as well.

I slowly walk down the hallway and bite my lip. Is he home?

I stand in place and see him emerge out of the bedroom. He stares at me and I stare back. Silence is in the air.

"Did you forget something here?" He asks. His voice is low.

"No." I say. "I uh, wanted to to talk." His eyes fall back on me. They're soft and gloomy looking.

"Okay." He speaks.

"Okay." I reply. We sit down on the dining room floor. All of the chairs are broken and are scattered across the apartment.

I open my mouth to speak but Harry talks. "If you want to break up with me, just say it. Don't give me all the bullshit compliments and whatever." My heart stings.

"I don't want to break up." I say. He looks to the floor and his fingers fidget. "I feel like the whole break isn't clear between us. That's my fault because I just said we're going on a break and left it as that. And, I'm sorry for that. The purpose of this break is for us to see how we are alone and figure out what we want. I feel like doing this separate is better because we can figure out what we want by ourselves. Also, I need to learn how to get a job, and support myself. You've been financially supporting me for the longest time and I always hated it. So, that's what I'm trying to do as well." I speak slowly.

"Okay." Harry says.

That's all he says.

"Okay?" I question. His green eyes look back up at me.

"You wouldn't hate that I was supporting you if I didn't throw it in your face when we argue." Harry says. My fingers fidget now. "Why can't you just be blunt with me and say what you honestly think May? What's there for me to lose?" My heart is beating fastly.

"I am telling you what I think." I speak.

"I mean deep down."

"I'm not going to say that I hate you and that you're an absolute dick who deserves to rot in hell. Is that what you want me to say?"

"It's what I deserve." I hear him mumble.


"May you deserve better than me. I can't be perfect."

"I don't expect you to be perfect. Nothing in this world is perfect." I say honestly. His eyes look away from me. "It's just a small break between us."

"Small? You want to get your own apartment and live by yourself. That doesn't seem like a small break to me."

"All of that depends on how we both are. If we want to get back together sooner we will. If don't at least I'll have my own place." I explain. His eyes glare away from me.

"Everything would be easier if you just ended us." Harry says. My eyes sting. "All I've been doing is hurting you May. And you don't deserve to be sad because of me. I can't amount to anything good when it comes down to us. When we're getting back on track I mess up and we're back to square one."

I move closer towards him. "Harry look at me please." He doesn't. His eyes stare at his lap still making me feel sick.

His legs are extended forward and his back is against the wall. "Harry please just look at me." I see tears drop to his hands. My eyes cloud.

I sit on his lap and tilt his head up. My hands hold his and I talk. "I love you." I say. "I will always love you Harry. You're the only one I want to be with. I do not want you to think you have to become a whole new person for me. Because I don't. I love you for who you are and that's that. This break is not ending us. I don't want to be with anyone else and that's the truth. Please believe me when I say this because I hate seeing you like this. I'm still yours and I'll always be yours."

His head shakes. Before he can talk I just hug him. My arms wrap around his neck and my head presses against his neck. "I'm sorry for hurting you May."

"I'm sorry for hurting you too." I reply.

Fín {Third Book to Secret}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt