Thirty Two

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I wake up to gentle kisses on my skin.

My eyes soon open and I smile softly. Harry kisses my shoulder and neck and mumbles," Good morning."

"Morning." I say with a light yawn. I turn around and face my boyfriend. "What time is it?"

"9." Harry replies. His eyes look into mine. "Today at 1,  there is a tennis game thing going on with some guys from work. Wanna go with me? You can watch."

"Sure." I reply. I kiss his cheek.



"You didn't want to have sex did you?" I look at him. "Tell me the truth please."

"I did." I answer.

"Then why did you look like you weren't enjoying it?"

"It felt weird for me." I pause. "When someone gets has ears that are pierced and they don't wear an ear ring for a long time the hole closes up. It's kinda like that for me. Plus it's the first time I've had sex since I gave birth, it was just different. I wanted to do it though."

"Are you sure?" I nod. Harry's head tilts at me.

"Yes, I'm sure." I lean in and kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you too." His voice is soft and gentle. "I just feel like I should've said no." I open my mouth to speak. But he keeps talking. "I feel like I pushed you into wanting us to be like that."

I frown. "You didn't." I say honestly. "Please don't think that Harry. I just have to get used to that feeling again. It will back to normal."

"Okay." He murmurs softly. I lean in and kiss him. "Do you regret it?" I ask.

"I would if you weren't ready." He says honestly.

"But I was ready. So you don't?" My boyfriend nods. I put my head on his chest and feel his fingers run though my hair. "Thank you for talking to me about what you were thinking." I mumble against him.

He doesn't reply. Harry just kisses my forehead and rests his cheek against the top of my head.


Even though it's the end of fall, it's humid out.

But it's kinda cool so it's no super bad.

I sit on the side bleachers and watch Harry interact with his work friends.

I'm wearing blue jeans that are rolled at the bottom. My shirt is a dark green sweater. I'm glad I chose a sweater and not a hoodie.

They hit the ball back and forth. Harry's currently on the court. Niall is with him, and they're versing two other men that I don't recognise.

"He's hot right?" A women's voice says from behind me. I turn around. She had dark blonde hair and green eyes. Her smile is friendly and she looks late to mid twenties.

"Who?" I ask.

"The one in the back on the left side." I look and see Harry. "His name is Harry." I nod. "I'm Charlie." Her hand extends to mine.

"I'm May." I greet while shaking her head.

"Is your husband playing?"

"My uh boyfriend is."

"Who is it?" Charlie asks.

"Harry." She laughs. I crack a smile.

"I'm so sorry for calling him hot. It's a habit. I've known him since I was like seven."

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