Sixty Seven

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I'm in the hospital currently.

My contractions started when I was sitting in bed. Luckily Harry was home. Since the contractions were small we didn't go to the hospital asap. I changed into clothes that weren't pyjamas and Harry grabbed our things.

It was actually quite calming this time. It seems like everything was going as planned.

But, what set my mood down was that the only room that was somehow available was the room April was born in.

I'm not the happiest right now.

I'm actually really nervous.

I am seated in the same bed I was years ago, I look around. I'm overwhelmed and sad now.

My contractions become closer and closer together making me become more in pain. Sweat is dripping off of my forehead and I lean back to try and take deep breaths.

Harry stands beside me holding my hand supportively. I don't want to call anyone yet saying that our son is being born today, just in case. Harry agreed.

Dr. Westfall comes in along with some other nurses. "How are you doing?" He asks me.

"Fucking fantastic." I grumble. He chuckles.

"I'm going to check your dilation, okay?" I manage to nod. I rest my head back fully on my pillow and attempt to take deep breaths.

"How long have we been here?" I ask Harry.

"For 6 hours." I huff.

"He's being very stubborn so your water has not broke yet and you're not fully dilated."

Of course.

"Great." I mutter.

"I'll check back in ten-ish minutes. Take deep breaths, and don't stress. Babies are like dogs, they smell fear." I bite my lip and nod.

The door closes and I sigh. "I hate this room."

"I know babe." Harry strokes my knuckles with this thumb. "Just don't focus on the room and w-what happened here, okay? Just stay calm so your water can break."

"Okay." I say with a soft smile.

"Why isn't she crying?" I ask Dr. Westfall.

He doesn't respond making my heart fall and a lump form in my throat. One of the nurses looks to me then back to the doctor.

Harry's fingers intertwine with mine.

"Is there something wrong with her?" I ask. No one answers. "Please, just answer me." My voice is low.

Dr. Westfall looks at me and in his eyes you can see what he doesn't want to say.

"Say it."

He licks his lips and sighs. "I'm sorry for your loss." I feel my hand go over my mouth and tears pile down my cheeks.

I snap out of my terrible memory and feel my contractions start again.

I hate this room.


At seven o'clock my water finally broke.

We got here at 8:30 this morning.

I'm tired.

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