Twenty Four

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Today I feel bleh.

Tomorrow I know if my book is worthy enough to be published.

That's a bit nerve racking itself.

I also feel bleh because today's gloomy and it makes me depressed. I usually love when the weather is like this, but today I don't.

Harry's not home for another few hours. I want to cuddle now and he's at work so we can't. I tiredly reach for my phone that's resting on my nightstand. I start texting him.

Me: are you busy?

Harry: define busy

Me: do you have tons of emails and shit to do?

Harry: no I got that stuff done yesterday :)

Harry: im kinda chilling now

Me: can you come home early?

Harry: everything alright?????

Me: yeah

Me: I just want to cuddle

Harry: you're too cute

Me: I'm not cute

Harry: .....


Harry: oh right I forgot you're hot

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Harry: oh right I forgot you're hot

Me: staaaaaap

Harry: :)))

Me: ._.

Harry: I'll be home in a few minutes ok?

Me: mkay :))))

Harry: I love you beautiful

Me: I love you too :)


After a long few minutes of Harry settling down after he came home he climbs into bed with me. My head rests in his chest and my body nuzzles itself against his. Harry snickers causing me to smile.

"How was your day?" Harry asks me while stroking the back of my head.

"Bleh." I say honestly. "I mostly laid in bed and slept. You?"

"It's was okay. I had the usual meetings and crap." I stroke the side of his body with my fingers. I feel his lips kiss the top of my head making my body warm up.

My eyes peer up at Harry who's staring down at me. I smile softly causing him to smile back. He leans down and gently pecks my lips causing my body to heat intensely. My fingers grip the hem of his shirt tightly as I feel our kiss become deeper and deeper.

Our position changes to him fitting between my thighs and his body pressing against mine. His hands rest on my cheeks and my fingers lace through his brown curls.

I feel his tongue dip into my mouth causing me grip on his hair a little more firmly. Harry's hands wander down my body causing shivers and goosebumps to rise on my skin.

His lips travel off mine and to the nip of my neck where my weak spot lays. My teeth intensely bite into my bottom lip but soon my mouth parts open letting a whimper escape my lips.

His lips detach from my skin and his hands grip my waist firmly. Harry's head presses against mine and he kisses my cheek softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say while looking at him. His bright green eyes look to me and a smile goes on his pink lips. He leans down and kisses me softly. Harry's lips are soft against mine.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" My eyes well up at his words. His thumbs stroke my cheeks. "If I haven't said it enough, I'm sorry."

"You're just being kind." My voice is low.

"I'm saying the truth May." He pecks my lips again. He lays beside me and I nuzzle my head into his broad chest.


My eyes peel open to the room in sudden darkness. Harry's head is on top of mine and his arms hold me protectively. I smile softly and then have a sudden urge to pee.

I groan to myself and slowly get out of his grasp to use the bathroom. It sucks because I was so comfy and warm.

Once I'm done using the bathroom, I walk back to our shared room. Harry's iPhone lights up and my curiosity takes over.

My eyes glance at the screen.

Tasha: hey baby :)

My eyes burn and my stomach turns.

Who's Tasha?


Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was too tired to and didn't want to post a crappy chapter


I'll update again if this gets 50 comments


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