Twenty Five

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"Babe have you seen my black tie?!" Harry calls from the bedroom.

I slide out of the dining room seat I'm in and walk over to where he is. "Did you check the drawer?" My head nods to the one of his dark coloured ties.

He makes an 'oh yeah' face and soon finds the black tie.

"You okay?" Harry asks me while tying his tie.

"Yeah." I say softly. My mind keeps going over who Tasha is and why he's calling him baby or babe--whatever she said that I should only say. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Who's Tasha?"

"Some co worker at my job, why?" His voice is casual.

"Is there any reason why she's calling you baby?" I ask finally. He releases a deep breath.

"She's been flirting with me in the office and now she's sending me these types of texts."

"You never told me a girl was flirting with you in the office." My voice becomes defensive.

"Because you'll get like this." My teeth pick my lower lip.

"Defensive? How many girls flirt with you at the office?"

"A lot but not as bad as Tasha." My eyes burn on him. He stares back. "Do you think I'm cheating on you? We've gone through this."

"Gone through what? Me going through your phone because you were acting like a dick to me and I wanted to know why?" I ask, snapping.

"May, relax I-"

"Don't tell me to relax Harry." I say while scowling my eyes at him.

"Why would I cheat on you?"

"Because we haven't had sex in years." I say. He huffs.

"I'm fine without the sex May."

"If you were fine why are you allowing her to causally say hey baby to you? How am I supposed to know she isn't sucking your dick in the office or some shit?" I ask.

"How fucking low do you think of me?" Harry asks. "You think I'd risk losing everything good between us now for a blowjob? Or a quicky in the office? Have I once smelt like a girl? Or have I once looked guilty coming home to you? I haven't because I have never cheated on you. Tasha is just some fucking bitch who is attracted to me but I don't feel the same way back. When I saw her message I deleted it because she's irrelevant to me. I don't care about her. I care about you. I love you.

Yes, I didn't tell you that she's been flirting with me because I don't flirt back, I brush her off, I do whatever I got to do for her to leave me the hell alone. Through every up and down we've been through, have I ever resulted into sleeping with another women? I'm fine waiting because I know once we both are intimate like that again it will be a moment for us and it will mean something. I'm not that slut in high school who needs sex every week.

I understand you being skeptical about the text but don't for a minute think I would ever cheat on you because I would never. If I wanted to be with another girl I would break up with you. But I don't, I want you. You're all I want May. I don't know how many more times I need to say that."

I remain silent and bite my lip.

I shouldn't feel bad for wondering if he did. But I do.

I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions but I did. I always do because I never get the good things in life. The only good thing that's happened to me is Harry but our relationship has been a rollercoaster and I'm waiting for the day doesn't want me anymore.

I feel his hands hold my elbows. "I'm sorry for not telling you, okay? But you can't freak out on me." His voice is lower. My eyes glance to his and he's staring a me. "I love you May." He kisses my cheek. "If you ever want to check my phone you can. I have nothing to hide on there."

I stare down at my hands and feel him pull me into his chest. "I'm sorry for snapping." I manage to say.

"Don't be sorry."

"I always assume the worst in you." I mutter.

"I would too if I were you. It's okay."

"I should trust you more." I mumble.

"We'll work on that, in therapy." His lips kiss my cheek. "Good luck today with the book thing. I gotta get to work now if I want to be in time." We break away from our hug.

He cups my cheeks and kisses me. "I love you."

Harry POV

I put my shit in my office and close the door behind me.

I open Tasha's door and see her sitting at her desk.

Her buttoned shirt low and her push up bra noticeable. "Oh, hey." She smirks.

"Do you like your job?" I ask.

"I get to see you everyday so, yeah." I roll my eyes.

"Do you like your job?" I repeat again.

"Yeah." She sits up.

"If I fucking ever see a text on my phone like that again you're fired. And I'm not playing. My girlfriend saw that and assumed I'm cheating. I don't need that shit."

Tasha smirks. "When you realise she's not what you want I'll be here." She bites her lower lip seductively.

"You're fired." I say. "I tried being nice and giving you another chance but now this is sexual harassment. Pack your shit and leave."

"Really?" Her eyes widen.

"Yes, really." I mimic. "I don't like you. I don't want to sleep with you. I don't want you at all. Get that through your small peanut brain of yours. If you're not gone in 20 I'm calling security." I say.

I don't let her speak. I slam her office door on the way out.


As promised here's another update :)

Comment goal: 40????


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