Fifty Five

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Today is June 24th and the weather is actually nice today. It's not burning hot or too cold. It's comfortable.

"Good morning." I say to Harry who's in the kitchen. He drops the pan his hands and jerks back.

"Uh, good morning." My eyebrows furrow. For the past two days he's been acting weird.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Perfect, why?" He puts the pan on the stove and turns on the burner.

"Harry you're turning on the front one, not the back." I say.

"Shit." He murmurs. "Anyways, d-did you want me to make you breakfast?" His voice is shaky.

"I can make it if you're not feeling well."

"No, I got it. Are eggs fine?" I nod and sit down at the stool by the counter. "Anyways, you're going go meet me at the restaurant for dinner, right?"

"Yeah or we can meet up here and we can go together."

"I have to get stuff ready." My eyebrows furrow. "For the uh office. I have get stuff for the office ready for a meeting tomorrow morning. I'll meet you there at 6." I nod.

"Is it fancy or like jeans and a nice shirt."

"Jeans and a nice shirt." Harry says. He pours the eggs in the pan. I nod and watch him.

"Are you sure you're okay? If you don't feel well we can go out another night."

"No, tonight's fine." Harry says with an assuring smile.

Harry POV

May went upstairs after breakfast and I run my hands through my hair stressfully.

Why am I so nervous? I can't even fucking speak without sounding like I'm on drugs.

I just want it to be tonight so I can just worry about that and not my job or fucking emails I have to send.

Overall I'm excited.

Of course I won't be excited if she says no and I want to jump off a cliff.

Great thoughts Harry.

I head upstairs by taking the steps by two. May's changing out of the clothes she wore to bed last night, which consisted of my tee shirt. I smile gently and grab my suit for the day.

We both dress in comfortable silence. I help her make the bed as I do every morning. I like our little routine. It's nice.

"I'm meeting Niall for lunch today." I tell May.

"I'm meeting with Adam." She grins. "I gotta leave early, I'll see you later?" I nod. She kisses me and I kiss back shortly after.

"I love you."

"I love you too. If you need me my phones on." I kiss her once more before she leaves causing a small grin to leave her lips.

Tonight will go fine.


Short chapter ik

Next chapter shall be cute ;)


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