Ninety One

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I'm scared for today.

Anne invited Harry and I over for brunch. She told Harry we needed to talk and she doesn't want Finn to know yet.

He was obviously confused but agreed to this lunch.

We're currently sitting in his old living room. Des and Anne sit across from us on the opposite couch.

His Mom lets out a deep breath and her brown eyes glance to me. I smile warmly. Des's hand rest on Anne's knee.

"I wanted to have a lunch thing today because I've been keeping something to myself for a while." My hand rests on top of Harry's. His head turns toward me and his eyebrows furrow.

"Are you moving or something?" Harry questions.

"No." Anne smiles weakly. "I uh," she pauses for a few moments. Silence fills the tension filled air. Des encourages Anne to keep going. "I-I have liver uh c-cancer."

I look to Harry who looks confused. "Like you've been currently diagnosed?"

"No." She says softly. "I found out two years ago."

"And it's gone, right?" I bite my lip.

"No, it's not."

"You're doing chemo then?" He asks his Mom.

"I'm not." Her voice travels off.

"Why not?" Harry asks.

"Because it will just make me sicker, Harry. It's not what I want."

"So, are you telling me that you're dying?" He asks bluntly. You can tell he's annoyed by his voice.

"Harry." Des says. Anne puts her hand on her husbands hand, telling him it's okay.

"In those words, yes. I am dying." Harry falls silent. His hand removes from mine making my heart pinch.

"How much time do you have left?" He asks timidly.

"A little over a year." His head shakes.

"And now you tell me?"

"I didn't tell anyone, Harry. Only your father knew. I knew if I told you when I found out you wouldn't respect my decision."

"You should've told me when you're going to actually die then because I still don't." He snaps.

"Harry." I say.

"I'm being honest." He says back to me.

"By the time I found out I had this cancer, it was already too late for chemo to help. My doctor said if anything, it would spread, and I would have less time."

"So, you gave up?"

"No I'm not giving up."Anne says quickly.

"Don't you want to die knowing you tried to fight it?" He asks his Mom.

"I want to die knowing my grandchildren weren't scared of me because I looked sick and bald. I want to die knowing that my life wasn't ended with no good ending. I know and held all of my beautiful grandchildren, and I got to meet the spouses of my children. As far as I'm concerned, this is a far better ending then feeling like I'm slowly dying by chemo." Anne explains in the kindest voice. Harry shakes his head. "I know this isn't easy for you Harry."

"Easy? So first the love of my life dies from brain cancer and didn't try to fight it because that was too late too. And now my Mother is dying from liver cancer. What next? My dog?" I feel my heart drop.

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