Fifty Seven

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That's what her ring looks like if you're curious^



My eyes wake up the next morning half tired. I'm not in my usual state of debating whether or not to go to work.

My head lifts off of Harry's naked chest and I smile gently. I look to the clock and see it's nine. We're off today.

I press my lips against the side of his neck and his cheek.

He grumbles a little and stretches out. "I always like waking up to your kisses." Harry says with a smug smile. I press my lips against his and rest my head back on him.

His fingers softly brush my shoulder causing me to relax. "How'd you sleep?" I ask him.

"Great. You?" My eyes look up at him.

"Good." I say. I nuzzle my face into his neck. "That coconut cake last night was good." I say aloud.

Harry snickers. "We have a whole thing of coconut cake in the fridge." I look up at him.

"Really?" I ask. Harry nods. "Don't mess with me."

"I'm not babe." He laughs.

I smile and lean in and kiss him. I straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his neck.

His tongue dips into my mouth making a gentle whimper leave my mouth.

His work phone on his nightstand interrupts us, making Harry groan. I detach my lips from his and slide off his lap.

Harry answers his phone. "This is Harry." He stops talking and runs his hand through his hair. "Niall I left the papers for the meeting on my desk. Yes, right on top...I'm not coming into work today..No it's not because I got rejected, stop saying that." I smile gently and press my lips to his neck and slowly go down. His hand goes on my lower back and his head tilts. "Uhuh...I-I'll uh see you tomorrow. F-fine yeah I'll do that. Talk to you later." Harry hangs up the phone and tosses it on the carpet.

Harry's arms bring me underneath him and his fingers pull down the underwear I'm wearing. "Eager huh?" I ask. He smirks and kisses my lips.

"I just want to fuck my fiancé." He says with a smile.

"The sweetest things you say to me Styles." I shake my head.


I'm currently eating cake.

Lately I've been having these cravings and I don't know why. Today's craving is cake.

I've been good with my diet and I've gained two pounds. It's not a whole lot but it doesn't help that I'm eating cake.

I look through my emails and shrug. I have so many work ones I haven't answered.

My eyes look to the engagement ring on my hand and I grin.

It's beautiful. I was so shocked when I saw it. It's not too big or small. It's overall amazing and perfect.

"Hello beautiful." Harry says while walking into our kitchen. He kisses my cheek.

"Hola." I finish my slice. "I feel like a fat cow." His eyebrows furrow.


"I had two slices of cake and overall I've gained two pounds. I exercise as I always do, I eat what I always do and stay within my calorie limit." I shrug. "Yes me eating the cake doesn't help my feeling like shit but I wanted it and it's my way of coping how I feel fat. My whole system is fucked up." I shrug.

"You don't look like a fat cow." Harry tells me.

"Of course you're going to tell me that. You'd never say I look fat if or when I do."

"That's true. But I'm being honest." He sits beside me. "Was the cake good?"

"Yes, very good." Harry grins at me and gently kisses my cheek.

"Is the ring okay? We can go pick out a different one if you don't like it."

"I love it." I say honestly. "It could be a ring pop and I'd still love it honestly."

"I just want to make sure it's what you like."

"I love it Harry." I say with a gentle grin. "Was the reason why you were acting weird yesterday morning was because you were proposing?"

"Yes." He sighs. "I must've looked like I was on drugs." I laugh. "I was nervous."

"You didn't look like it at dinner or during."

"Thanks." Harry says. "Plus if you were to say no there was a rock I could jump off of." I chuckle.

"Why would I say no?" I ask.

"You tell me." I lean in and kiss him. "My Mom invited us over for dinner this Saturday."

"Cool. What time?"

"6." I nod.

"When's your sisters wedding again?"

"August 6th."

"Where is it at?" I ask.

"Not sure." I shake my head. "We can ask her at dinner." I grin gently.

"Sounds like a plan." I pause. "I haven't told Adam yet."

"I haven't told my Mom or Sadie yet. I haven't really had time." Harry smirks.

"I wonder why." I stand up and put my plate in the sink.

Harry stands across from me. "You know we've had sex everywhere in this house when were dating. Now we're engaged." I laugh.

"Oh god. Now we have to restart." I say while pulling down his sweatpants. Harry chuckles.

"I love you May."

"I love you too Harry." I lean up and kiss him.


I'm too tired to write smut lol

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