Fifty Four

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I'm in the kitchen with Harry.

He's cooking dinner and I'm helping. Helping meaning handing him what he needs.

"Who was that girl you introduced me to this morning?"

"She manages a lot of corporations and such." His voice stops and he doesn't continue.

"Do you know her?" I ask.

"She's uh the childhood friend I was talking to you about earlier."


I remain silent and nod. "Is she always a bitch or only to the workers like me?" I ask.

"When you get to know her she's not a totally bad person." I chuckle.


"If she does say anything rude to you or anything please just let me know."

"You acting nervous about dinner doesn't help me stay calm." He chuckles.

"She's bringing her boyfriend Jason to dinner as well." I nod.

"I'm going to take a shower." I say while removing myself from the chair I'm seated on. His mouth opens to speak but I talk over him. "No, you may not join me. You have to cook for your friends." A smug smile goes on my lips and I leave the room.


I feel like shit today so I decided on jeans and my usual dark green sweater.

I'm sitting at the island scrolling through my phone.

Harry sits beside me and his lips touch my cheek.

"Why are you wearing a sweater? Is it cold in here?" Harry asks me.

"I'm freezing. Like always." I say with a soft smile. "See." My hands touch his and his eyes look at me.

"Usually you get freakishly cold when you start to get a cold." Harry says. "Take some medicine later."

"Thanks Doctor." He chuckles at my comment.

"You look really cute in your sweater by the way." Harry kisses me.

"You're kind." I poke the dimple peeking through his cheek.

"I'm sorry if at work I've been acting cold. I just want everything to settle down after we let some people go. I know you've been getting stares and crap at the office because you're dating me so I'm just waiting for everything to go back to normal before I can talk to you like how I usually do." My head tilts at him. "I hope I haven't made you mad."

"You haven't." I lean in and kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Around 6 the door bell rings and Harry tells me he'll get the door.

"Keep an eye on the pan please." I nod. He leaves the kitchen and I stand in front of the stove to make sure everything doesn't burn.

Soon chatter is made throughout the house and Harry and all of his friends enter. Niall is the first to greet me with a hello and a smile. Next was his wife and last is Jess and her boyfriend Jason.

Harry stands beside me and his hand rests on my lower back. "Jess, you remember May from this morning, yes?"

"Yeah. Nice to see you again." Her hand extends to mine. I shake it to be kind for Harry's sake.

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