Twenty Three

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May POV {two years ago}

Harry came home from work a few minutes ago. He looks angry and tired.

He's currently in the living room on his laptop.

"You okay?" I ask him. His green eyes look up at me.

"Yeah, why?" His voice is cold.

"I'm just wondering. You look a little off." My fingers fidget.

"I'm fine." His voice is cold.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No, but you can leave me alone." My insides burn and my eyes sting. I soon stand from the couch and walk away. A single tear rolls down my cheek.

May POV {now}

I didn't want Bell to leave.

I enjoyed having her here.

She's just so happy and cute. I don't know, I like spending time with her.

Harry and I lay in bed the same night cuddling. He leaves warm kisses down my neck making me smile.

"I love you." He murmurs against me,

"I love you too." I reply back with a gentle grin. His head nuzzles into my neck causing me to chuckle. "Can we get a dog?" I ask.


"Or next week." Harry laughs.


"I want a dog." I say. "They're cute."

"When the house is done we can have this conversation." He says. At least that's not a definite no.


"Yes?" His fingers fiddle with mine.

"I miss her." My eyes start to burn. He understands who her is and holds me tighter.

"I know baby." His lips kiss my cheek. "I miss her too." I hold onto his arm that's across me and kiss his knuckles.

Harry POV

I knock on Adam's front door around noon. My hand nervously goes through my hair.

"Hey Harry." Adam says while looking at me. "What's up?"

"Are you busy?"

"No, why?" He chuckles.

"I need your help with me with something." His face looks confused.

"Something like...?" He travels off.

"I need you to help me pick out an engagement ring for May." His brown eyes widen.

"Yes of fucking course! About fucking time Styles!"

"I have one but it's not what I want to give her." I take the small box out of my pocket and hand it to Adam. He opens it.

"Really? This shit loos like a promise ring." I laugh.

"I didn't want to get something too big because I know she'd hate it. But I wanted something decent size."

Adam's face looks disgusted.

"Give this to her as a Christmas gift." I nod with a small snicker. That's what I wanted to do. "What's your budget on the ring?"

"I don't have one." I say.

"Good." Adam smiles. "Let me grab my wallet."



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