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I walk into the publishing office on Friday.

I enter the usual office I have been working in for the whole month of March and see Matt. He's seated in the chair I would usual sit in and his eyes are narrowed at the computer screen.

"Need help finding something? I ask Matt. He snaps back into reality and looks at me.

"Nope." He stands. "You're emailing me the last chapters of your book, right?"

"If I get them done." I say.

"Okay good." Before he leaves I speak.

"Can I talk to you for a quick moment?"

"Sure." Matt turns back around to look at me. His arms cross over his chest.

"Uh," I pause shortly. "Why didn't you tell me you wanted me to sell away my rights to the book?"

"Oh, you talked to Greg." He sounds happy. A smile forms on his lips.

"Kinda, yeah. He was at the wedding I went to on Wednesday. He talked about it to me briefly."

"When you're done with the last chapters send it to me then call him."

"I don't want to sell off my rights." I finally say. He chuckles.

"You're of course going to get money from the book when it sells. 30 percent of the sales go to you. Then you'll be paid an additional 20 thousand for the time you've spent writing it."

"I'm not worried about the money."

"Then what's the problem?" Matt asks.

"Why do you want me to sell it off?"

"Because I think that's what would be best for you." One of my eyebrows raises.

"This would be like a ghost writer type thing, no?"

"Kinda. But the author we want to publish your book will re-write it to make it better." I bite down on my jaw.

"You said to make it personal, and I did. If you wanted it to be better you could've sent me corrections like you're supposed to do if you liked it." I fire back.

"It's business May. Don't take it personally."

"If I wanted just businesses I'd be working at my boyfriends office and attending meetings, but I'm not. You said you saw something in me and now what am I supposed to do after I hypothetically sign off my rights?"

"You'll still be in the running to stay here and be an editor like you want."

"It's not definite that I'm staying though." I point out. "Or was your plan for me to write a book, sign off my rights to some other author, I'll get paid a couple thousand, I don't stay in the building. But all that's okay because I'll have some money, right?"

"Look May, the books good. It needs a little tweaking but you said it yourself you didn't want to be an author."

"I said I never considered it. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to be one." I correct.

"Talk to Greg okay?"

"No, I'm good." Matt's eyebrow raises. "If you want to publish the book, then it's with me. If not, I won't send you the ending chapters. And you need that so your more fit author can rewrite the book, no? Because to totally rip me off he or she needs to know how I want to end it." He remains silent. "I'd like an answer now."

"I'll talk to the publishing people here, okay?"

"I'd like that in writing." His brown eyes narrow at me. "Just in case you try to pull a fast one on me." I smile warmly. "It's not personal, just business."


I get back to the apartment at 5.

I step through the front door and hear noise somewhere. Harry shouldn't be home till 6.

"Harry?" I call. I slowly walk over to the living room. My head peaks out behind the wall. No one's in there.

"Yeah?" I hear someone say behind me. I was so startled I elbow the person behind me harshly. My eyes widen. "Shit." Harry groans.

"I'm sorry." I say to him. "You scared me."

"I can tell." He lets out sharp breath. His hand on his stomach.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes." He pushes out a smile. "You have a sharp elbow fuck." I chuckle gently and wrap my arms around him. My head rests on his stomach, because I'm that short compared to him.

"How was work?" I ask. My voice muffled.

"It was okay. How was your day?"

"Decent I guess." His fingers lace through my hair, causing me to feel relaxed. His lips touch the top of my head and my eyes close.

"Why'd you come home early?" I ask curiously.

"I got tired." He lets out a deep breath. "I also wanted to check on the house and see how's it going."

"What's going on over there?"

"They're redoing the floors now." I nod against him. His fingers still run through my hair. "Your hair is soft." I laugh.

"Thanks." I snicker.

After a few minutes we break away from our long hug. We both stare at each other. My eyes stare at his pink lips.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask.

"I can make mac and cheese." Harry offers kindly. 

"Sounds like a plan." I gently kiss his cheek.



if this gets 40 +comments I'll update again :) (can't be from the same person thoo)

tysm for reading this book !


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