Ninety Five

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It's been a month.

Within this month Anne has been stable. She's not well though. I'm glad Finn doesn't notice.

Harry hasn't snapped at him since that one time. Whenever Finn is around he smiles and acts happy. When it's just us he's quiet and cold.

I miss my husband.

We haven't kissed in months.

We haven't cuddled in months.

Hell, we haven't been us in months.

It's like all that progress we made over the years is garbage and now it's back to square one.

My birthday is in a few days. Which also means our anniversary is soon.

I doubt we'll be doing anything this year for our anniversary. I also doubt he knows my birthday is in 5 days.

"How are you?" Anne asks me as we cook. Finn is taking a nap upstairs in his room here. He's been wanting cookies so we're surprising him when he wakes up.

Harry is home as always. He visits him Mom when Finn and I don't.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I ask Anne.

"No, not everything is about me." She says while making a ball.

"Why are you making it into a ball?" I ask.

"To make it the perfect circle you make a ball, put it down and flatten it a little with your palm. It's an old trick my Mom taught me." I never thought about that. "But you don't want to press it down too thin, just enough."

"That's smart." I say.

"Very." She smiles warmly. "How's my son?"

"I don't know." I reply. My voice turns low. She sighs. "Whenever I try to talk to him he shuts me out."

"Typical Harry move." Anne says. "Do me a favour and don't pay attention to him." My eyebrows furrow.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't pay attention to him. Don't look at him, talk to him, or even notice him. That will get him to start opening up to you."

"How's that going to work?" I ask.

"He'll know you're mad and not putting up with him. I do that to Des and it works every time." I laugh.

"I'll try that." I say.

"I'm going to mention something really depressing but I know you can take it."

"Okay." I say. I look over to Anne.

"When I die, I want you to make sure Des isn't lonely. Like continue to bring Finn over and keep his mind off of things." Her eyes turn gloomy.

"Of course." I say.

"You know I've known him since I was 6?" Anne tells me. "We met in first grade and he was the only one who talked to me and wanted to be my friend." She smiles weakly.

"Really?" She nods.

"He was quite a charmer like Harry in high school. Des never dated of the girls he talked to though." Anne paused. "I mean hook up." I laugh.

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