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Before this chapter starts I just want to say somethingggggg

I found out that this book is ranked #143 in fanfiction!!!!!!!

This means the fucking world to me because I never thought any of my books would be ranked on wattpad, so thank you all so fucking much for commenting, reading and voting

Anyways, Enjoy the chapter :)




"You look older." Those are the first words she says to me.

"Yeah." I am 24 now so I would expect to look older.

"Is your daughter with you?" I remain silent. Now I know no one has told her about April. I kinda wish someone did so I don't have too.

"N-no." I manage to say.

"She's 4 now, yes?"

"She would've been 4." I say softly. I can feel my heart thumping through my neck.

"Would've been?" Her eyebrows furrow with confusion.

"Not that you really care but uh after I gave birth to her she passed away. Got what you wanted huh?" Her face flushes and she opens her mouth to speak. "Anyways, I'm going to go." As I'm about to walk away she talks.

"Can we catch up?" My insides burn.

"You had 4 years to want to talk to me. And now I really don't want anything to do with you."

"I tried looking for you at Sadie and Ellie's wedding."

"Did you stop paying for a phone?" I ask.

"May I-"

"Anyways if you did even try to reach out to me I wouldn't have replied because you told me to abort the baby that I really did want and that's inexcusable. Today, I actually had a good day and I'm not going to be having a shitty night by talking to you for 5 minutes so if you'll excuse me." I walk away quickly and close my eyes for a brief moment and let out a sharp breath.

I see Harry waiting by the exit. I walk over to him and he smiles gently. "Ready?" I nod.


I place my spoon in my mouth and lick the remaining ice cream off.

I'm a bad stress eater so I'm almost done most of the tub.

"You okay?" I look up to Harry who has his head tilted at me. "You seemed a tad off when we met at the exit."

I lick the metal spoon and let out a deep breath. "I bumped into my Mom in one of the isles." I admit. Harry's green eyes soften.

"What did she say? Was it something rude?"

"No, she just asked questions." His head tilts at me.

"Does she know about April?" I bite my lip.

"No one told her so I had too because she asked where she was." I release a deep breath. My eyes look back up to Harry who's staring down at me. He gently kisses my forehead.

"Don't let her get to you."

It's hard to do that when she's been the thing in my life I always wanted to please and get approval from.

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