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Harry POV

I wake up to someone poking my cheek. "Daddy." I hear Finn whisper.

"Hm?" I tiredly groan. My head starts to pound.

"We have to make b-breakfast for Mommy." His voice is low. My eyebrows furrow. "It's her b-birthday t-today."


"No it isn't." I screw my eyes shut.

"Yes it is. It's the uh," Finn pauses. "One-Five of the mo-month. It's also on the c-calendar in my ro-room."


I sigh. My eyes reopen and I see Finn looking at me. "D-Did you forget?"

"I didn't purposely forget. I just," I pause. "I've been distracted lately." I reply. I sit up and get out of bed.

Finn and I go downstairs. My mind keeps drifting off.

"S-Should we make h-her French toast?" My heart pinches.

"I don't know how to make that." I tell my son.

Why can't I remember how to cook now? I used to always make pancakes and waffles. Now it's all washed over my head.

"I can make," I pause thinking. "Cereal and that's about it."

"She deserves more than cereal on her b-birthday." Finn murmurs. "Can we call Grandma and ask h-her to make them?"

Today and tomorrow is the viewing. Wednesday is the funeral.

"Uh," I pause itching my head. I let out a shrug. "I'm sorry."

"She doesn't even h-have a cake today." I hear my son say sadly.

May walks into the kitchen. "Good morning." She greets with a yawn.

"Morning." I reply back.

"Morning." Finn says. "Happy B-Birthday." May kneels down in front of him.

"Thanks bud." She kisses his cheek and hugs him. Finn hugs back. "Why don't I make breakfast for you guys?"

"But-" Our son says.

"No but's. Go sit down in the living room, I'll get you when it's ready." Finn nods against his Mom then walks away.

Silence falls between May and I. "Happy Birthday." I murmur.

"Thanks." She smiles warmly. "How are you?"

"Tired." I say. "I would make breakfast I forgot how to make anything and-"

"It's fine." Her hand holds mine. She kisses my cheek.

"No it's not." I huff.

"It's just my birthday." May says softly.

I always go all out on her birthday. Even before we had Finn I used to wake up early, decorate the whole house and make breakfast.

"I'm sorry I forgot." I murmur softly. She pecks my lips and starts getting ingredients out.


Before I went to the hospital yesterday I went to Des's house to pick up the recipes. I'm trying out the one for pancakes. I always like the way she made them.

I wish Harry wasn't alone when she passed. I feel like he got so many flashbacks to Lily and what he had to then.

I hate that he's guilty about forgetting my Birthday. I don't want him to.

He sits at the counter. His eyes are off somewhere else. "Should we tell Finn?" I ask Harry.

"I don't know." Harry replies. "How would we tell him?"

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