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I probably pushed the limit.

Probably is an understatement. I did push the limit.

"Mommy they're so small!" My daughter exclaims while holding one of her new puppies.

Now, I'll explain.

Finn has be thinking BJ is lonely. He said that Baxter is a dog and can't relate to a "pig life". I didn't argue him.

I kept saying BJ is fine but, is he? I always have a fear he's going to die, so why not buy another micro pig?

So I got another one...

Surprisingly when I went to Walmart again to get diapers, the lady that sold me BJ was selling a different micro pig. She recognised me, which was surprising as well. She even gave me a discount of the the new micro pig we have.

Yes, I know there is probably something wrong with these pigs she's selling me, but BJ is going on fine so, it's whatever.

It's a girl, and my kids named her June.

Now, keep in mind the same day, which is today, when we got June was also the day we got two dogs.

If you're also wondering, Harry is still at work.

When Finn and Anne were playing with the two pigs they both looked to Baxter who was sitting on the couch alone. They believe they made Baxter lonely now.

So I took them to the puppy mill 20 minutes away to just look at puppies, you know? If they wanted one dog that wouldn't be bad.

I thought one dog wasn't going to hurt, right?

But then they argued on which one to get. Anne wanted the pug, Finn wanted the German Shepard. They're both small puppies.

I didn't want to pick between the two dogs. What kind of person would I be if I chose one over the other?

So I got both...

Currently, I'm contemplating why I thought adding 3 new pets to the family was a good idea. But looking at how happy my kids are makes my husband yelling at me later worth it.

Shit what am I going to tell him?

"When Daddy get's home we need to sweet talk him." I say. Their eyes look to me.

"Should we b-bake?" Finn asks.

"Buy him a suit?" My daughter adds.

"B-Both?" Finn asks.

We hear the front door close and keys drop in a bowl. I stand up and my two children remain on the floor. Owen is in his play pen, playing with his blocks.

"Stay here." I whisper to them.

I walk to the hallway and see Harry. His hand is running through his curls. "You're home early." I say.

"Yeah, I wanted to come home early." I nod.

"Did you want me to make you anything? Cookies? Cupcakes?" His eyebrows furrow.

"No, I'm good. Thanks though." I smile. I open my mouth to speak, but the sound of animals running toward us makes my mouth shut.

My husbands face turns serious and he looks to his feet where the two dogs and one pig is. Anne and Finn appear. "Did Adam get new pets? Or Ronnie? And we're watching them?" Harry asks me.

"No." I murmur. His eyes look into mine.


"They," I pause. "They needed homes." I say. His eyes scowl at me.

Fín {Third Book to Secret}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon