Ninety Eight

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After we visited Nick I went to Adam's house.

It's 6 o'clock now but I don't want to go home yet. I turned off my phone just in case Harry did call. He can suffer for a bit.

"How's my favourite nephew?" Adam says while picking up Finn. He giggles and smiles.


"Not great? Will cookies make you great?" Adam ask. My son nods.

"Only one cookie." I say.

"That means two." Adam says making my eye rolls playfully. He puts Finn down and excuses himself for a brief moment.

He soon comes back with a napkin with 2 cookies on top. He gives it to Finn and ruffles his hair.

"The TV is all set up for you."

"Sweet." My son says while walking away. I smile.

"I love that boy." Adam says with a sigh. His eyes look back to me. "What did Harry do now?"

"Can we talk in the kitchen?" He nods, we walk away.

I sit down at his island and Adam sits across from me. I explain what's been happening to my friend that listens thoroughly.

Every once and a while his eyes roll.

I finish talking.

"To make him shit his pants you guys can sleep here tonight." My friend offers.

"Wouldn't Justin mind?"

"Uh," He itches his head. "We broke up." My eyes widen.

"What?" I exclaim. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You're mother in law is dying." His whispers the last word. "You didn't need my shit on you." I frown.

"You can always come to me." I say. "Why did you guys break up?"

"He's been questioning his sexuality. He knows he's gay but he also likes girls. And he was confused about whether he's bi or wants to bi. I didn't know this until he told me he's been sleeping with some girl he knew." My heart drops. "And she's pregnant with his child now so..."

"Oh my god Adam I'm sorry." His shoulders shrug.

"It sucks being gay sometimes."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I can't have a baby of my own. One that looks like me and the person I love." I frown. "Anyways, that's why we broke up. I didn't mind him wanting to be a Dad to the baby. I minded that he cheated on me."

"Did you break up because he cheated?"

"No, he thinks I wouldn't make an appropriate parent." My eyes widen.

"What the fuck?"

"It's whatever."

"Appropriate?" I question. "Uh news flash Justin you took it in the ass you fucking hypocrite. Is he saying that because you're gay he doesn't want his child to be around you?"

"That's how I took it when he said appropriate." Adam admits.

"That makes no sense. He's gay himself!" I exclaim.

"It's whatever now. I've moved on."

"With a new guy?"

"No, from him." I frown. "I'll find someone eventually."

"I thought you guys were gonna last forever."

"I did too. I thought wrong obviously." Adam murmurs.

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