Forty Eight

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There is a storm currently outside.

The wind is heavy and the rain is pouring down quickly. Every five or so minutes you hear the crackling of lightning and the loud sound of thunder.

Harry lays beside me as we both listen to the weather outside.

The lamp in my room suddenly turns off and I frown. "Did all the power go out?" I question.

"I assume so." I sigh. My head goes onto his chest and my fingers play with his.



My eyes look up to him and his thumb brushes my hair back. I lean up and kiss him. He kisses back and he soon fits between my thighs.

My hands pull up his shirt over his body and a smirk crawls on his lips. "I don't have a condom with me." He mentions.

"I'm on the pill still." I say. "Just uh pull out before you come." His lips fall back onto mine.

"You said my name like you wanted to ask a question. Is this what that you wanted?" Harry asks while pulling away slightly.

"Yes." I murmur. I feel him smile against my mouth. My lips travel off his and down to his neck and further.


His thumb brushes along my spine making me smile.

It's still raining badly outside.

"Have you been trying to lose weight recently?" Harry asks me out of the blue.

"Yeah why?" I ask. I rest on my elbows.

"I've noticed your face got thinner and you track what you eat." He moves closer to me.

"I'm just trying to lose the baby weight from April." I admit. He kisses my shoulder.

"How many pounds have you lost?"

"10." I say.

"That's good." His fingers run through my hair. "What's your goal?"

"Maybe 150?" I'm 170 currently. His eyes look into mine. "What?" I ask.

"Were you 150 before?"

"I was 160." I say.

"Just don't lose too much weight okay?"

"Why?" I ask curiously. "I mean like my goal isn't to weight 120 pounds, I'm just wondering."

"I always enjoyed the fact that your body is, how do I phrase this?" Harry pauses. "It has something to it. It's not flat and bony. It's real and beautiful. I just don't want you to strive to look like someone you're not." I kiss his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile gently. My head nuzzles into his neck and I kiss the tattoo resting on his collarbone.

Harry POV

May fell asleep a few minutes ago.

She's wearing one of her white tee shirts that she always looks comfortable in. Her legs are covered by her pajama pants that have little elephants on them. I smile gently while looking at the print.

I press my lips against the side of her head and close my eyes to try to fall asleep. I think I'm so used to sleeping beside May, when I'm not with her at night I can't fall asleep. Whenever we spend the night with one another I sleep perfectly fine.

I let out a deep breath. By now I would've proposed. I was planning on doing it on Valentines day, as cliche as that it may be. But it would be a private thing that I would set up for us.

Now, I'm clueless to when I should. We ended our break at the end of January. It's the end of March now.

All I want is to live together, be married, and be happy.

I think now we're kind of happy. I just miss her a lot when I'm not with her though.

Overall I hope she's happy.


next chapter is going to be sad

if this gets 50 comments i'll update again


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