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The funeral was last week.

It was a nice funeral. Sad as anything, but nice.

Since then, Harry sometimes doesn't talk. When he does, he asks how's the baby and if I'm okay.

When I do talk to him, I know he's listening. Most of the times his answers are 'oh', 'okay', 'yes', 'no'.

I came back from work. I check up up on my son. Finn is watching TV and Harry is upstairs I assume.

As I'm about to walk into our room, I hear Harry's phone on speaker. He's calling someone.

I stand behind the wall and listen.

"Hello this is Anne! Sorry I couldn't get the phone right now. If you leave your name and number I'll call back as soon as I can. Have a wonderful day." My heart pinches and my eyes sting.

He presses 2 which replaces the recording.

I hate how much pain he's in.

I hate that I can't take it away from him.

After a while he stops replaying it. I walk into our room and see him sitting on the corner of the mattress.

"What time is it?"

"5." I reply. I sit beside him.

"Oh." He falls silent.

"Harry can you talk to me about what you're thinking?" My eyes well up.

I love my hormones.

"There isn't much I'm thinking about." He tells me.

"There has to be something that's making you act the way you are." I say.

"My Mom's dead. Maybe that's it." He replies. He isn't sarcastic. His voice is low.

My hand rests on top of his.

"Please, just speak what you're thinking to me. I need you back to your semi normal self and so does Finn."

I miss his smile.

I miss his laugh.

I miss his goofy side.

I miss his kisses that aren't pecks.

I miss him.

"How's the baby?"

"Good." I say.

"Okay." He falls quiet again.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No." He tells me. I kiss his cheek.

"Did Finn have dinner?"

"No." Harry pauses. "He had a snack an hour or so ago."

"What was it?" I ask,

"Pop tarts." He murmurs. "And ice cream."


"Yeah." His eyes fall to his hands.

I would scold him but now's not the time.

"At this point I'm willing to do anything to make you better. What do you want?"

"What do I want?"

"Do you need to cry? Do you need to be held? Do you need to talk to someone?"

"I usually talk to my Mom everyday at 11." He informs me. My bite my lip.

"Please, Harry tell me something I can do." I beg. "I want to see you smile. I-I want you back."

He falls silent again.

I do something that I never thought I would.

I slap him.

Only because Anne said I could.

His green eyes look at me. Soon tears brim his eyes. But I know they're not because I slapped him.

He didn't cry at the two viewings.

He didn't cry at the funeral.

He hasn't cried since the hospital when I bumped into him in the doorway.

I hug him and his head rests on my shoulder. His arms wrap around me and he cries silently into me.



i know these past chapters have been sad, but i have some happy ones coming up


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