Fifty Eight

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It's Friday today.

I feel like garbage.

My head hurts, I feel bloated, and I overall feel like going back to bed.

"You don't look well." Harry says while I walk into the kitchen.

"I don't feel well." I place my hand on my stomach and sigh.

"Stay home then babe."

"No, I have to go to work." I say.

"May, you are allowed a sick day. It's fine."

I huff. "I'll have emails and manuscripts to make up."

"Your health is more important." Harry hums.

"I can do it." I straighten up then sick lower. My head is pounding.

"Go back to bed. During my lunch break I'll come back home and see how are are."  I stand up and yawn. "I'll tell Mr. Mason you're not coming in." He kisses my forehead. "If you need me my phone will be on, okay?"

"Okay." I say. I kiss his cheek and walk back upstairs.


I wake up in my mid nap to my phone going off. I feel dizzy now.

"Hello?" I say tiredly while answering my phone.

"Hi! Is this May Evans?"

"This is."

"This is Cindy from labcorp, and we've got your results from your blood test. We just wanted to call you to tell you everything is great. All your levels are perfect."

"Cool." I yawn.

"We also wanted to mention we also took a Quantitative blood test as well as many other ones that you let us,"

"Okay?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"The Quantitative blood test, tests if someone is pregnant or not." My heart drops. "And you are."

Holy fuck.


"You're pregnant. Congratulations."

"How far along am I?" I ask.

"Um," The women on the phone pauses, I hear her looking through paper. I sit up in bed. "Currently you're almost four months along."

Is that what I've gained weight?

"Oh, okay. Thank you."

"Of course. A copy of all your tests will be mailed to you shortly."

"O-okay." We both hang up shortly and I sit and think for a moment.

Three months ago.

That was March.

How could I be pregnant since March and not know? I haven't got any morning sickness or anything.

I press my pillow against my chest and I screw my eyes shut.

I just got engaged a few days ago. Now I find out I'm pregnant.

I should be happy or excited since I'm pregnant. But I'm not. That feeling when I lost April floats in my chest.

My eyes sting with tears. She would've been five and I still can't wrap my mind around that.

I click the home button on my phone and see it's 1. Harry said he's dropping by at 2:30 to see how I am.

I'll tell him then.


Short chapter :/

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