「4th period」: itona's time

Start from the beginning

"No way... It can't be" the silver-haired boy mumbled.

"Itona-kun, I study too you know. How could I teach anyone if I didn't grow and learn day by day?" Korosensei told him.

"Now, lets get rid of this dangerous cloth cage. Experiencing my Absolute Defense Form over summer vacation taught me yet another skill: compressing not my whole body but a portion of my tentacles to release a burst of energy" the octopus continued as we watched the cage light up.

 Experiencing my Absolute Defense Form over summer vacation taught me yet another skill: compressing not my whole body but a portion of my tentacles to release a burst of energy" the octopus continued as we watched the cage light up

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"Wh-What?" Itona's guardian stammered at the sight.

"Remember this, Itona-kun. I say assassination is education. The assassination classroom's teacher will get stronger every time he teaches!" Korosensei said proudly before releasing a burst of light.

Korosensei caught Itona in his arms, and turned to Shiro. "There you have it, Shiro-san. Leave him to the E Class and go quietly" he said, "Oh and... Spread the accurate word that I am not an underwear thief!".

"And I'm actually a B-cup! A B-cup!" Kayano told him flustered in the same manner as our teacher.

I sweat dropped at what was supposed to be a serious moment, while Fuwa and Nagisa looked at Kayano flatly.

It wasn't too long before Itona started struggling and screaming in pain, falling unto the ground.

I really wasn't mistaken when I saw myself in him.

"It hurts. My head's killing me!" He exclaimed. "My brain's about to burst!".

"It's painful! Stop! My head's killing me" I recalled myself screaming once. "No!".

"With the shock of his repeated defeats, his tentacles are starting to gnaw away at his mind" Shiro stated. If we don't do anything about this now, Itona's life would be in danger.

"Hang in there, Itona-kun!" The octopus attempted to assure the boy. Even I could tell that it was a futile effort.

"This might just be all he can take. Why, he can't even pull off this little scheme of mine" Shiro said. "Itona, if this is all you're capable of, the Organization will stop paying. It's not that I don't feel for you but we have to cut out losses at some point if only to get the next model up and running. This is goodbye, Itona. You're on your own now".

Bastard. Using this kid was one thing, but to experiment with him as if they didn't know that they'd take his life awa, and to just dispose of people like that--- Even if it was just another one of his stupid tricks or traps, allowing something like this to happen was just despicable.

"Wait! What kind of guardian are you, anyway?" Korosensei attempted to stop Itona's shit excuse of a guardian.

An asshole, that's what, I irritatedly spat mentally.

"Quit playing school, you monster. All you can do is break things---break everything. I will not countenance your existence. I only wish for your death no matter what the sacrifice" Shiro walked away. "Say, are you sure your dear students are okay like that?".

He calls the octopus a monster as if they didn't just make one with that kid in order to kill him. Humans really are sick.

As if on cue, Itona's tentacles nearly hit us if it weren't for Korosensei. "Look out!".

The boy let out one last scream of pain before jumping away.

I knew. I knew exactly how that felt.

"Itona-kun..." Nagisa managed to say, before we heard a thud.

"Korosensei!" the group exclaimed as the octopus collapsed. I guess even an artificial life form like him needs a break.

"Nurufufufu~" he let out his trademark laugh. "As you might imagine, I'm pooped. Time for a little rest".

If we were going to kill him, now would be a perfect chance but, somehow, we had different matters to attend to.

"Hey, what kind of person is this Itona-kun, anyway?" I asked.

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