Personal For Vanessa

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A little birdy told me you needed cheering up and something tells me a personal Louis imagine is the best cure for that, so i hope you enjoy and head up high princess your tiara is falling :) 

"But Louis!" you whine, digging your heels into the carpet as your mischievous boyfriend attempts to drag you outside. 

"It's cold out there! I don't want to."

"Yes Vanessa you do," Louis sighs

 "I want you to make snow angels with me! And it's your duty as my girlfriend to make me happy, so get your cute bum outside." He smiled

Blowing a raspberry, you sidestep the overgrown child and slip out the door

"Fine, come on."

He whoops from behind you, sliding the door shut before bounding past you and down the porch steps. The large field behind the house the boys had rented for Christmas is completely covered in untainted white snow, glaring viciously under the bright morning sun. The thick rings of trees separating it from the outside world are also drenched in snow, the evergreen sparkling. Despite the light, it's freezing, your puffs of breath fogging in the air. Snow crunches under your feet as you walk over to Louis, who's looking around at the ground.

He flops down onto the snow, yelping in surprise when a pile of cold powder falls down the neck of his jacket. He flips the hood over his head, flicking the snow out.

 "Okay, that's better," he grins up at you, dimples splitting his rosy cheeks, 

"now baby, get down here and make snow angels with me!"

You sink onto the snow much more gently than Louis did, shivering when the cold seeps through the layers of your clothes. The crunching of Louis moving echoes in your ears, prompting you to get started. At first the thick snow is hard to move, your limbs straining to push it out of the way. After a minute, it gets easier, the frost moving quickly and moulding into the shape you push it onto.

After ten minutes or so, you hear Louis make a triumphant noise and a crunch as he rises to his feet. You look up at him, a smile curving your lips. His nose, cheeks and lips are tinged pink from the cold, puffs of breath turning white mid-air. There's a dusting of snow on his heavy jacket and a few flecks in the hair peaking out from under his beanie. Teeth glinting in the sunlight, his dimples are deeper than ever as he looks down triumphantly. He reaches down to tug you to your feet, brushing the snow off your jacket. After you return the favour, Louis tugs you against his chest, one arm sliding around your shoulders. The both of you look down at your handiwork - your 'angel' is considerably smaller than his.

"You're so little, baby, look at that," Louis chuckles, pouting when you hit him lightly.

"Oh shush," you poke your tongue out, giggling and squealing when he flips you over his shoulder, carrying you back towards the house.

Simply because you can, you pinch his bum.

In retaliation, he smacks yours. "Behave yourself Vanessa," Louis warns playfully, scaling the stairs, 

"my mother's inside, you know."

"Aye aye, Captain. Although, technically, you started it."

A soft 'oof' slips from your lips as Louis deposits you onto the porch swing carefully, making sure you're steady before sinking onto the cushion besides you. He's suddenly quiet, hands twisting in his lap.

 "Vanessa, I've got to talk to you about something."

You frown but nod anyway, sliding your hands into his.

 "Is everything okay?" You question

He turns to face you, a soft look on his face. 

"Okay, this is going to be really corny, but I'm a corny bloke, right?" He chuckles at your nod. 

"Babe, we've been together for a long time... and it hasn't been easy. Between the fans and management and the constant touring and press, the last three years have felt like ten. But you've never faltered, you know? I still love you as much now as I did when we met – you still make my tummy flutter and my heart skip beats and you give me goosebumps."

Biting your lip, the heat of anxiousness swirls in your stomach. You have an idea of where this conversation is heading yet you don't want to jump to conclusions.

You settle for almost vibrating with apprehension.

"Anyway," Louis continues,

"during the last tour, I realised that I can't live without you. I just don't work without you. I need to hear your voice and see you smile. I need to giggle at your bed hair and hold you when you're upset. I need to fall asleep and wake up next to you —" his hand slips into his pocket, a black box in his fingers when he removes it, "— for the rest of my life."

The sight makes your heart skip a beat, breathing uneven.

"So... what I'm trying to say is," he flicks the box open, "Vanessa, will you marry me?"

Looking down, your breath feels like it's snatched from your chest. Nestled in the white satin is a ring. It's a little brighter than silver, suggesting it's white gold or possibly platinum. A rather large emerald is glittering in the centre of the split band, surrounded by two rings of tiny diamonds. Each stone glitters in the morning sunlight, rainbows of colour bouncing off them.

"Are you serious?" you breathe, tearing your gaze from the beautiful ring to Louis shining eyes.

He nods, grinning at your breathlessness.

 "A hundred percent. I don't want to live my life without you... so if you'll have me, I'm yours."

Unable to speak, you simply nod, giggling when he slips the ring from the box onto your finger. It fits perfectly.

You admire it blatantly; absently considering how well it matches the Christmassy manicure Louis had insisted you get. 

"It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Louis responds, kissing your cheek softly.

"Oh, my God, Louis , do you want some wine with that cheese?" you tease playfully, leaning over to kiss him – his lips are warm and peppermint tasting. Breaking away, you rest your forehead against his.

Louis scoffs, running his thumb over you jaw. 

"Hey, it's too early for wine. Just because it's Christmas, doesn't mean you get to be a lush. Well, Santa can, but you can't. I mean, those rosy cheeks are obviously brandy induced."

"You're such a dork," you inform him fondly.

"A dork you just agreed to spend the rest of your life with."

"Damn, is that what I just did?"

He shakes his head, pressing another kiss to your cold lips. "I love you, Vanessa. Even if you are a meanie."

"I love you, too, Lou," you reply with a smile, breaking your embrace to stand, "more than you'll ever know. Now should we go tell everyone?"

Louis bites his bottom lip, blue eyes apprehensive and sheepish. "They, um... already know." He stands, rolling his eyes at your clueless stare. "How else do you think I got them to leave us alone for this long?"

"Alright, I guess that makes sense," you shrug, "but can we show off anyway?"

A pair of strong arms slide around your shoulders, tugging you into a solid chest. You slide yours around his waist, underneath his jacket, and smile into his chest. Although you've done this a million times before, it feels completely different. I can't believe I'm his fiancée now, you think absently.

The thought stretches your smile to the point that it hurts.

"Merry Christmas baby," Louis mutters into your hair, "now let's go show that off."

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