Personal for Wren

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Personal for Wren - He tweets a picture which creates drama

*see above picture*

You were just casually scrolling through your twitter feed while waiting for Harry to get back from rehearsal for their next tour dates when you saw your timeline suddenly spam Harry which meant he had clearly just tweeted or was recently online

You had recently told Harry about you being pregnant with his child, and both of you could not be happier about finally starting a family like you had been wanting to for a long time. While you were scrolling through the thousands of tweets which were being tweeted to Harry you couldn't help but smile with pride, he was such an inspiration and motivation in peoples life and you knew how happy it made him when he saw the tweets, as there was so many he didn't have the time to reply to them all but he certainly would spend hours at night scrolling through them all and interacting with fans when he could.

You suddenly started to see #babystyles being spread across your timeline, you sat up in panic and immediately typed in Harry's twitter name into the search bar to find out if he had anything to do with it.

Of course he had.

That boy just can't keep his mouth shut.

The latest tweet already had over 5 million favourites and 8 million retweets although it had only been posted for approximately 5 minutes

'*see picture above*

Looks like there's a bun in the oven

All the love

H x'

You immediately rang harry

"Hey babe" he chimed through the phone

"Were you not going to tell me about your tweet?!" you replied in panic

"oh... you saw that then" he chuckled

"saw it? Harry it's all over bloody twitter its hard to miss!"

"Wren calm down, I thought we spoke about this, we were going to do a tweet about it to let the fans know to be careful when they run up to us in the streets and we know how violent they can get with you" his hush tone calmed you through the phone

"Yeah but I didn't know it was going to be this soon that's all" you began to relax

"No time like the present baby" you could practically hear his smirk through the phone

"You're lucky I love you you know" you laughed

"I love you too Wren"


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