How He Acts Differently Around You

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Niall: You, Niall, Harry and Liam were all sitting around in Harry's hotel room. The boys wanted to play cards, and you decided you would go and watch. While you sat around, Harry kept looking up at Niall. "Why are you doing that?" Harry asked, and Niall looked up. "Doing what?" Niall asked. He brushed the hair out of his face and you raised an eyebrow at Harry. "That! Liam, you noticed that right? He is pushing his hair back so much" Harry said. Liam didn't even look up from his hand. "He always does that around Y/N. I don't know why, he just does" Liam said, and Niall blushed. "I like his hair out of his face a bit" you admitted, and Harry smiled and nodded. "So do I, snookums" he said, pinching Niall's cheek. "Shut up" Niall laughed, and you smirked and smacked Harry's arm lightly.

Zayn: "By the way, Zayn, you have to call the guy about the eavesdrops" you said, and he threw his head over the back of the couch. "I'm calling him tonight" he smiled, and you nodded and winked at him. You walked over a plate of nachos, and left them on the table. Immediately, four pairs of hand reached for the plate. Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall were all playing video games at your place. You ruffled Zayn's hair before going to walk away. "Zayn, do you need lip chap or something?" Louis asked. You turned and craned your neck to look at Zayn's face. "Uh, no" he said, confused. "You just keep licking your lips, I haven't see you do it that often before" Louis said. You shook your head. "I didn't notice" you said, but you saw Zayn blush. "I notice it too, I just kinda do it around Y/N. I don't know why" he said, and you smirked. "Cause I look so delicious" you laughed, and Niall burst out in laughter. "Yeah yeah" Zayn called as you walked back to your room to watch a movie.

Harry: "Allll I need, is chocolate and cookies, that can make my life complete" you sang, as you drove down the road. You had Harry and Zayn in the car with you. A couple months ago, there's no way you'd be so embarrassing around the boys, but now it was just normal. Harry started laughing, and you smirked. The whole ride home consisted of you cracking jokes and Harry laughing, as per usual. As you pulled in the driveway, Zayn finally spoke up. "I have never heard Harry laugh so much in my life. Only with you, Y/N" he said, opening his door. You turned to Harry, who was smiling at the floor of your car. "You think I'm fuuunnny. You really loooove me" you sang, and he turned and smirked. "Shush" he said, kissing your nose before getting out of the car.

Liam: You, Liam, Louis and Eleanor were all out to dinner. You loved couple nights out with Eleanor and Louis because you all got along so well. Tonight, Louis was taking extra special care to poke fun at Liam, in good sport, which was great entertainment for you and Eleanor. "Liam, mate, did you eat something spicy tonight?" Louis asked, and Liam looked up with a smirk on his face. "Why?" he asked, and you and El both smiled at each other. "You're redder than a tomato" Louis said, and you turned and smiled at Liam. "I don't see it" you smiled, and Liam smiled at you. "Cause you cause it" Eleanor said, and you turned back to her and raised an eyebrow. "Liam always blushes around you, he knows it" Louis said, and you turned to Liam who had his face buried in his hands. "I think it's cute" you whispered, and you all laughed as Liam went even redder.

Louis: Louis was running around in front of you, making monkey noises. "You crazy chimp" you laughed, as Louis pretended to eat bugs from his arm pits. "Ew" you squealed, as Niall walked in. "What in the world?" Niall asked, a smile spreading across his face as he saw Louis pounding his chest. Zayn walked in behind him, and Niall looked over his shoulder. "Louis's in Y/N mode" he laughed, and you shot him a look. "Y/N mode. He gets hyper and silly around you. Like, a school boy" Niall winked at Louis. Louis chimp ran at him, making really loud monkey noises as you burst into laughter. "Whatever makes her happy, Lou!" Niall said, and Louis backed down and walked over to give you a kiss.

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