He Gets Protective Whilst You're On Tour With Them - Liam

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"You're lovely, Y/N," he whispered against the column of your neck before pressing a kiss there.

You felt his fingers draw lazy pictures on your bare back and hummed in complete bliss.

"I don't want to leave," Liam shifted, tangling your naked legs together even more as he pulled you closer to him. "I don't want to get ready for the show."

"But you have to," you said, opening your eyes to peer at his beautiful face. "Your fans will miss you."

"I know..." he said, shaking his head before meeting your gaze, "but I'll miss you."

You smiled at him, pecking his soft lips, "I'll miss you, too, but I'll be right in the audience, cheering you on."

"What about cheering me on now?" he smirked, climbing back on top of you and pressing kisses to your cheeks, nose, forehead, and finally your lips.

The kiss grew passionate while his hands trailed down your smooth skin, retracing the paths his fingers had taken numerous times before and creating new ones.

"Liam," you breathed against his lips, slipping your hand up the side of his neck and into his hair. "Someone's going to come get you anytime now."

He brought your lips into another mind-numbing kiss. "We'll make it quick...but not too quick."

He moved his lips to your neck, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine as one of your hands made its way to the back of his head. You pressed him closer to you, wanting to feel every nook and cranny of his against your form.

"Oh...Come on, guys!"

Liam's face immediately disappeared from your skin, turning and looking at the source of the interruption, "Harry!"

Liam lowered his body over yours in an effort to hide your body, the body that only he was allowed to see, "Get the fuck out, Mate!"

"Okay. Okay," he chuckled nervously, backing out of the room. "Calm down, Liam. I was just coming to tell you that we have to go in five minutes."

"Stop looking at her!"

"Jeez...I wasn't!"

Once you heard the door close with a click, you began laughing while Liam looked down at you, trying to comprehend why.

"What's so funny?"

"'Get the fuck out, Mate!'" you mimicked him between giggles. "'Stop looking at her!'"

"But he was!"

One Direction Imagines and Preferences Book 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora