You Go Somewhere Haunted Together

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Louis: "You look so scared" Louis laughed as you walked up 50 Berkley Square. It was two days before Halloween, and you and Louis were doing a spook night together. Louis told you he wanted to take you to 50 Berkley Square, so you did your research. There was no doubt in your or anyone's mind that this house was haunted. "I'm not" you lied, and Louis smirked. "Sure, not scared" he said, as you walked to the door. You two went in, and you felt a chill. "Its cold in here" Louis mentioned, and you clutched Louis's hand. "Don't be scared" he giggled lightly. "Let's just leave" you said, but Louis shook his head. "If we leave now we're chicken" he said, pulling you deeper into the house. You tried to resist, but you were to nervous to put up much fight. You two went into the next area. It was eerie walking through the old house. You could feel presences in every space of the house. I gave you the creeps. All of a sudden, you and Louis both froze. "Did you see...?" Louis asked, trailing off. "A boy" you finished, and you turned and ran. Louis was on your heels as you ran out. "Let's just say we went through?" Louis suggested, and you nodded. "I wonder if..." Louis started, but you put your hand up. "I don't want to think, I don't want to wonder, I don't want to know. I just want to go" you said. Louis laughed and cuddled with you as you both walked down the road.

Harry: "Okay, park here" you said, pointing to a parking lot. The line of people was around the block. "Wow, its busy here" you said, climbing out of the car. "Well, it is halloween day" Harry said, and you shrugged and laughed. You and Harry decided that the day of Halloween, you would go to the London Dungeon. There were people queued in outrageous costumes. "So glad we called ahead" Harry said, and you nodded. "Perk of being in One Direction, huh?" you laughed, and Harry nodded and gave you a thumbs up. You two walked right to the front and in were let in immediately. "Wow, this place is wicked" you said, reading up some of the information of the spooky history of London. "Let's go in here" Harry said, taking your hand and guiding you into a room. "This room is so dark" you said, nervously clutching Harry's waist. He smiled and wrapped his arm around you. "You're loving every second of this you dork" you laughed, and Harry smirked cheekily. "All part of my master plan" he said, walking you further into the room. Suddenly, something jumped out of the dark corner. "Oh my god!" you screamed, and Harry grabbed you and pulled you close. "That was scary" Harry chuckled lightly. "No more dark rooms" you said, poking Harry's chest lightly before going back to the main tour, still holding his waist tight.

Liam: You and Liam wanted to spend the night before Halloween spooking each other out. You had taken Liam to a haunted house and he had been kind of scared, but assured you he had something better. He turned into the driveway of Highgate Cemetery. "A cemetery?" you asked, the clear display of fear evident in your voice. "Yep" Liam smiled mischievously, and you nodded once. There was an older man waiting at the end of the drive. "You must be Liam and Y/N" he said as you two climbed out of the car. "Hi, nice to meet you..." Liam said, waiting for the man's name. "Alvin, pleasure" he said, his voice seemed eerie. He gave you a quick rundown on the cemetery before you started the tour. You held tight to Liam's hand as you walked. "This is the Highgate Vampire" Alvin said, pointing to a huge black sculpture with red piercing eyes. You held tight to Liam. It spooked you out. "I want to go" you whispered, and Liam nodded. He made a point to rush the tour, and Alvin took the hint. He must have been used to this reaction. You held tight to Liam until the tour ended. You both got in the car and left. "Scariest. Trip. Ever" you said slowly, and Liam laughed. "I win" he joked, before driving away.

Niall: "Where are you taking me?" Niall asked and you smirked. You told Niall you wanted to go on a date. It was the day before Halloween, so of course you were going on a spooky date. What Niall didn't know was that you had planned to take him to Borley Rectory, where Harry Price had conducted many psychic investigations with ghosts. As you pulled into the village, Niall looked confused. "What's here?" he asked, and you silently got out of the car and took his hand. "Harry Price used to talk to ghosts here" you whispered, and Niall jerked back. "What?! You took me somewhere haunted?! Are you crazy?!" Niall asked, and you laughed. "Relax! Its fine" you said, walking closer to the clear mark where the house used to stand. Suddenly, you felt something. Judging by how Niall's hand tensed on yours, he felt it too. "Was that a ghost?" Niall asked. "I... I don't know" you stuttered. "Can we go now please?" Niall asked, and you slowly nodded. You both ran to the car and you sped off. You went to a nearby pub for some food, where you two managed to laugh about the whole thing.

Zayn: "We're going to get haunted for this" you whispered as you walked up to the Ancient Ramm Inn, and Zayn shook his head smiling. "Hi John" he said, shaking a man's hand. "Hello! Happy Halloween guys" he said, shaking Zayn's hand, then yours. You looked up at the building and you felt shivers run down your spine. Zayn squeezed your hand and you looked up at him. "Alright guys, head on in and be cautious" John said. You thanked him as he shut the door behind him. "So what's the story on this place?" you asked, and Zayn pointed to a line on a piece of paper he carried. "Murder, satanism and child sacrifice? Lovely" you said. You suddenly felt a cold rush of air. You started shivering and Zayn hugged you. "Let's go" he whispered, and you walked further. You made your way through the lobby. "I can't imagine staying here" you said, when suddenly a chair slammed into the wall. You and Zayn looked at each other and took off out the door. You ran to your car and got in and took off. "Never again" you said, and Zayn laughed.

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