Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness - Louis

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Louis: You placed your hands on your baby bump as Louis changed the channel to some reality TV show. "Ugh, babe my stomach!" you complained as some nausea overcame you. "Do you need anyt-" you stood up and sprinted to the bathroom before he could finish the rest of his sentence. You reached the toilet just in time and emptied the contents of your stomach. Louis was there with you not long after with a nice cold washcloth. You flushed the toilet, closed the lid, took a seat on top, and pressed the wet washcloth to your forehead. "You're the best," you sighed happily. He smiled and kissed your cheek, "anything for you my love." He bent down and kissed your belly, "are you making your mommy sick?" he chuckled and looked up at you. A smile formed on you face, "you're so cute Lou." After brushing your teeth and sharing a kiss or two with Louis, you went back to the living room and watched some TV while cuddled up in his arms. 

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