Punk Series - You See Him Upset - Harry

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Harry: You've been with Harry for more than six months and while you find him tiring at times, it's the easiest relationship you've ever been in. In contrast with his outward appearance, he's surprisingly kind and compassionate. "Can we reschedule tonight?" the text on the screen of your iphone reads and you frown. You had been looking forward to the secret date Harry had planned and disappointment filled your chest with the realization that you wouldn't at least get to see him. "Sure, is everything alright?"you respond but you get nothing in return. You chalk it up to Harry being busy but a part of you knows it's more than just his busy schedule. Making the decision quickly, you grab your car keys and leave your apartment for the thirty-minute journey to the recording studio. The young female secretary is behind the desk and gives you the death glare, as she usually does when you visit the studio, but you ignore her while making your way towards the booth Harry had told you he'd be in for the week. The room is dark when you push the door open and you almost assume Harry is no longer here. "Harry?" you say gently, turning to leave but stop when you notice a lump on the couch. "Don't" he says groggily when you reach to flip the lights on. "Are you alright?" you question, ignoring him and light fills the room. He's dressed in all black, nothing unusual, but his hair is a complete disaster and his eyes are red and raw. "What happened?" you ask, dropping your purse to the floor to move closer to him but he jets off the couch towards the sound board to avoid your touch. "Remember that band I told you about? The one I've been trying to sign for a year?" he questioned you, messing with a few buttons while looking over his shoulder at you. "Yeah" you respond, taking a seat on the couch he'd vacated and he turned so he was facing you. His inked arms crossed across his chest, the neckline of his black top pulling to reveal more of the chest piece he'd been adding to and you're momentarily distracted by how sexy he looks. "Tommy, one of the other producers, signed them today. He just, went behind my back for months so he could steal them from underneath me! I've been working with them for so long and I really thought they would sign with me and then today... that smug bastard comes in here to gloat about signing them. I wanted to deck him so hard and I still can't believe I didn't hit him" he explains, nose flaring in anger and his fist clinch at his side. "I'm sorry Harry... I know how hard you worked to get them. You'll be better off without them, in the end" you try to soothe him, standing to make your way to him. "They're gonne be huge and I'll miss out on sharing it with them" he admits, gripping his curls with his fingers and you frown. "Stop that... listen, maybe they'll be huge and maybe they'll be a huge success but without you... they got nothing. You're amazing, you're the best producer out there and there are thousands of struggling artists trying to get you to notice them because you make them something. You make people hear them and appreciate their music. You care about every artist you've ever signed and if they chose some asshole over you, then screw them. I hope they fail" you exclaim, pulling his fingers from his hair before wrapping your arms around his waist. He relents against you, long arms seeking comfort from your body and you clock this as a win in "most awesome girlfriend of the year" category.

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