A Fan Assaults You In Public

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Harry: "Don't push her." He grumbles as his brows burrow after helping back to balance. "She pushed you?" He asked staring down at you and you shrugged it off. "It's fine Harry, lets just go." You mumbled taking a hold of his hand and he shook his head turning toward the girl who had shoved you. "If you can't respect the girl that I'm in love with then you clearly have no respect for me." He said running his hand through his hair as his head shook. "All of you...seriously stop acting like this toward my girlfriend she's never done anything to you." He said with his grip around yours tightening and his lips falling into a frown. "Seriously just...just don't put your hands on her ever again." He mutters as he lets his frown travel over to the massive amount of girls that stood around the two of you.
Liam: He pulled you into him, his arm securely wrapped around your waist as he stared at the girl who had pulled your hair with shocked eyes. His mouth agape as he tried forming the words, "That's not a very nice thing to do." He said shaking his head at the girl as she stared up at him sheepishly. "I know you want to talk to me and stuff, but hurting her is getting you the wrong kind of attention from me." He said taking his lower lip between his teeth. "Are you okay?" He whispered into your ear and you nodded slowly bringing your arm around his back. "Pass that on yeah...hurting my girlfriend gets you guys the wrong attention." He said under his breath as he pulled you away from the girl his arm still wrapped tightly around your waist.
Louis: "What the hell's wrong with you?" Louis asked his eyes filled with irritation and shock after witnessing a fan punching you in the back. Pulling you behind him, he stood in front of the fan shaking his head disapprovingly, "Don't you ever do that again...especially with me standing right there." He muttered trying hard to keep his rage in control. "What made you punch her?" He asked as she stood there silent staring back at him. "Come on, tell me...what in the world made you punch [Y/N]?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders. "Great reason yeah...don't put your hands on anyone. Most of all don't put your hands on [Y/N]" He muttered shaking his head once more as he took your hand and pulled you away from the fans. "Sorry no more pictures for today." He mumbled.
Niall: After helping you off the ground he examined your knee, noticing the specks of blood making it's way down your leg. Pulling out a napkin, he wiped away at it clearing the blood. "One second princess." He muttered pressing his lips gently to your forehead before turning to the girl who had tripped you. She stood there with a look of satisfaction as you nursed your knee. "You think this is funny?" He asked with a raised brow motioning over to where you stood. "I don't understand why people do things like this. You wouldn't like being tripped would you, and then having the person who'd done it to stand there smiling at you happy that you're hurt..." He said his cheeks growing slightly red. "Didn't you mum ever tell you do to others what you'd want done to you? The sayings something like that right?" He asked glancing over at you and you shrugged not truly sure but you nodded. "I really care about her...and I don't like seeing her hurt...so don't hurt her...she means the world me." He finished, taking your hand and leading you to the nearest store to grab a bandage.
Zayn: He stood there with his eyes widened as he watched your body jerk forward, your body slamming into the door. He hurriedly made his way over to you, examining over your body as you had winced from pain after hitting the door. "You should watch where you walk [Y/N]." The fan that had pushed you muttered as her friends snickered behind her. His eyes narrowed as he stared down at the girl, who stood a smirk still playing at her lips. "I don't know what your problem is, but if you ever put your hands on my girlfriend..." He started angrily, but you put your hand on his arm signaling him to stop. "She could have seriously gotten hurt. How would you feel then huh?" He grumbled the annoyance apparent in his eyes. "Would you still feel proud, satisfied that you hurt someone the girl I'm in love with?" He asked as he opened the door you'd been pushed into and ushering you in with him closely behind him. "I don't have time for this..." He muttered as his eyes scanned over the bruise that was growing on your forehead.

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