He Warms You Up

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Liam: You and Liam were out ice skating. You were freezing and shivering even though you had on a sweater, coat and gloves. Liam noticed and pulled you in close. "Y/N, how are you still cold? I don't understand, you look like an Eskimo!" You laughed and pushed your hands in his pockets. He wraps his arms around you and gives you kisses on your forehead.

Harry: How could you and Harry resist going out in the first snowfall? You didn't even bother putting on a coat, you both ran out in your pajamas to play in it. You were throwing snow at each other and catching snowflakes on your tongues. All of a sudden, the cold hits you. You begin to shiver and Harry notices. He had a sweater on, so he immediately takes it off and drapes it over you. "Babe, you'll freeze" you said, starting to pull the sweater off. Harry puts his hands on your shoulder, "I'll be fine, Y/N. I don't want to see you get sick." He ends up getting a cold and you take care of him as a thank you.

Zayn: You and Zayn were out grocery shopping for a dinner party you were going to host. You were walking in the frozen food section and felt really cold. You had left your sweater in the car, so you were in a tank top and shorts. You had goosebumps trailing up your arm. Zayn noticed and stood behind you as you walked the cart, rubbing your arms. "You're so cold, Y/N" he says as he kisses the back of your neck. You finally get out of the frozen food section and you turn around, giving him a kiss. "Thanks for warming me up, babe" you smile as he kisses you again, more passionately.

Louis: You had been at the beach, taking a swim and laying in the sun. You and Louis went in the water one more time before leaving for the day. You got out and felt the drop in temperature. It shocked you, and you ran up for your towel. You had left it in a ball on the sand, so it was cold and damp. You were freezing but you couldn't get in the car with a wet swimsuit on. Louis came up from the water and saw you shivering. He grabbed his towel and wrapped it around you. "What about you, babe?" you say, though you didn't want to give up the towel. "I'll live, Y/N. Your lips are blue." You touch them and feel how cold they are. Louis wraps you into a hug which does even more to warm you up than the towel.

Niall: Niall was on tour in Canada and you decided to join him. You two went to an NHL hockey game as a date night. You thought you would be okay to go in a long tank top and leggings, but you were wrong. You were frozen. Niall turns to you and says "I'll be right back Y/N, just going to grab a snack". "Alright Niall" you say, teeth chattering. You wrap yourself in a hug trying to make your body warm. Niall returns and sits next to you. He has an extra large hot chocolate for you. "Thanks babe!" you say enthusiastically, taking a drink of it as it warms you from the inside out. Niall also bought you a sweater with the teams logo because you looked so cold.

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