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Harry: You and Harry were cleaning the kitchen. You had made breakfast for Harry as celebration for hearing that their new album hit number one in the United States. "Y/N, you have something on your face babe" Harry said, coming towards you. You stuck your face out to let him wipe it off, closing your eyes in the process. Instead, you felt water trickling down your face. You open your eyes in shock and see that Harry had dumped the remainder of his glass of water on your head. You wanted to get him back, so you acted mad. "That's the thanks I get for doing all this?" you ask, going to the sink to wash dishes. "Babe..." Harry starts as he comes towards you. You grab the faucet and pull the hose. You spray Harry right in the face. He puts his hands up to stop the water, and you turn the water off. "Don't mess with my Styles" you say smiling. "Alright, you win. Hug?" he says and starts chasing you before grabbing you and hugging you tightly, soaking your clothes.

Liam: You and Liam were out washing his parent's car. You were in a swimsuit but wearing your cover up, while Liam was just in shorts. The car was almost clean, you two just had to rinse it off. You decided to use a bucket of water that you had filled earlier to rinse the top. You flung the water over the water over the roof of the car and heard Liam sigh. He walked around the other side and was soaked top to bottom. You covered your mouth, trying to hide your laugh. "You did that on purpose, Y/N" he said, seeing your expression. "No I swear I..." but you were cut off by the hose being turned on and fired at you. "Liam!" you scream as you try to turn your back and run away. Liam chases you with the hose, soaking you. You turn and go towards him, and he continues to spray you until you're hugging him. He wipes a wet strand of hair off your forehead, "You look cute with wet hair" he smiles, leaning in for a kiss.

Zayn: "Did you still want to keep this?" Zayn asked you, holding up an old bicycle helmet. "No, that can go" you say, poking your head up from behind some boxes. You were going through some of the clutter you had stored when you moved in. "How about this?" he holds up a painting of three donkeys. "Why did I even buy that?" you asked, laughing. Zayn laughed too, and put it in the 'go' pile. You opened a new box and found all your water guns from when you were a kid. Thinking it would be funny to get Zayn, you hid one of the water guns under you shirt. "I have to run to the washroom" you say, practically running into the house. You went into the bathroom, locked the door and filled the tank of the water bottle. You screwed on the cap and went back to get Zayn. As you opened the door, you felt the spray of water on you. "What the hell Zayn?" you scream, getting your gun out to get him. You start chasing each other around. "Did you think I wouldn't notice you leaving with a water gun!?" he yelled, spraying water at you. You both empties your tanks and then put your guns down. You were both soaked. "Keep?" Zayn laughs, lifting the water gun. "Absolutely" you smirk, giving him a kiss before you both go to change.

Louis: You were on tour with the boys and loving every second of it. However, you had gotten tired of the constant running. You decided to go back to your hotel room and take a nap. You woke up and heard chanting from outside. You fixed your hair and went out to the balcony to see what all the fuss was about. You look down and see Niall signing autographs. Smiling you go to go back inside. Instead you see Liam, who had locked the sliding glass door. You look at him confused and you see guilt in his eyes. All of a sudden, you are pelted by water balloons. Louis is on the balcony to your left and Harry and Zayn are on the balcony to your right. You try and duck for cover, but you can't escape them. They are laughing until they hear the screen door open. Liam pushes out two ice buckets of water and four water balloons that he was supposed to throw at you. "I locked their doors" he says, smiling "have fun." He leaves and you hear the three boys trying to open their doors. You pelt Harry and Zayn with the water balloons. The balconies are close, so you reach over yours and dump both buckets of water on Louis. The fans cheer as you give Louis a kiss and do a victory dance.

Niall: You, Niall and the other boys were at the beach. You were laying on the sand, tanning. Niall had gone in the water, swimming with and Harry. Zayn, Liam and Louis were gone to get a snack. You turned, showing your back to make sure it got tanned. You heard Niall laugh in the water and you smiled. You felt yourself falling asleep in the sun. Its warmth felt like a blanket and your eyes were heave. Suddenly, you felt yourself being picked up. You look around and see Niall and Harry carrying you into the water. Niall has your arms and Harry has your legs. You try to squirm, but you can't break their grip. You decide to try bribery. "Niall. Don't. If you let me go, I will make you homemade dinners for the whole week." He ignores you and continues carrying you to the water. "Harry, I will set you up with that friend of mine you said you fancied! Guys. Please don't" but your begs fall on deaf ears. "Ready?" Harry asks Niall and they stop. You look and see you're above the water. "One" they swing you, "two" they swing you again, "three!" and you feel the boys let you go. You take a deep breath and you're in the water. You come up and see Harry and Niall laughing. You jump on Niall and drag him under. You splash Harry in the face and you swim away. Harry sees Louis, Liam and Zayn walking up the beach so he goes in to tell them what happened while you and Niall play fight in the water.

One Direction Imagines and Preferences Book 5Where stories live. Discover now