Punk Series - Just Another Morning - Niall - MATURE CONTENT

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Niall: I was absolutely positive that I couldn't walk. Niall and I's night was a lot more intense then I planned, and I think that I pulled every single muscle within my body.

 I felt Niall's cold hand, travel down to my sex. I grabbed it, before he slipped his finger in.

"No way in hell." I said sleepily.

"Why not?" he chuckled, his morning accent barely understandable.

"Because I'm already sore." I said rolling over, to not face him. "Remind me to stretch before we have sex, next time." I mumbled.

He started laughing at me. "I'm sorry, baby." he chuckled, obviously not sorry.

"Sure you are." I rolled my already shut eyes.

"I really am." he said innocently, pulling me to face him, making me wince. "Sorry." he said removing his hand quickly, from my side.

"It's fine." I shrugged. "It's my fault for making love to a man who just got out of prison." I smirked.

He laughed, and scrunched his nose up sarcastically. "Your so cute." he mumbled, before kissing me.

"I know." I winked.

He buried his head in my neck. "Can I make it up to you?" he said, wrapping his arm's around my torso.

"Hmmm." I thought about my payment. "I want to pick your next tattoo out." I smiled, excited.

"Deal." he chuckled. "Although," his hand traveled back down, to my crotch. "I was hoping you would pick something a little more," he bit his lip. "Fun." his thumb reached for my clit, but I placed my hand over my entire area.

"As I was saying." I pulled his hand away. "No way in hell, are you permanently paralyzing me before breakfast you, Irish slut." I chuckled at my new nickname for him.

" Irish slut?" he raised a pierced eyebrow. "Is that what you just called me." he stifled a chuckle.

"Well," I shrugged, starting to stand and carry the comforter with me. "I didn'tcall you anything," I wrapped the black comforter, around my body. "I just described you." I winked, slinking out of the room, leaving Niall to howl with laughter, at my stupidity.

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