He Gets Protective Whilst You're On Tour With Them - Niall

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"Niall, what are you doing?" you snapped.

He stopped moving after that, realizing that he had woken you up. It was nearly one o'clock in the morning, and you had no idea what he was doing.

"Nothing," he blurted out.

"You're doing something," you shifted slightly so you could look over your shoulder at him, opening up one eye in the process.

In the dark, you could just barely make out Niall's form under the sheets. His arm was around you and his stomach pressed into your side, as if he was slowly sliding under you.

"Aren't you uncomfortable in that position?" you whispered.

"No...Just go back to sleep. Don't worry about me."

"You telling me not to worry is making me worried," you retorted, flipping over onto your back and moving your body off of his. "Why aren't you asleep?"

He yawned, "Well...I stayed up until the boys finally went to bed, and then I got to thinking..."

"A horrible habit, but continue your story," you chuckled softly, positioning yourself on your other side so you could snuggle into his side.

"What if we hit a bump?"

"A bump?" you furrowed your brows in confusion. "What kind of bump? Like a bump in our relationship? In your career?"

"No," he shook his head, a smile growing on his face. "A literal bump in the pavement. What if the tour bus hits a bump?"

You were silent, not quite understanding the question, before answering, "Um...we go over it?"

"No...you fall out of the bunk and onto the floor because you're on the edge."

That's when it all clicked, "Were you moving me so you could keep me from falling?"


You pulled his face to yours, kissing his nose, "Niall James Horan, you are too cute."


He was cut off when the bus shook, causing you to topple out of the bunk, but Niall saw it coming.

When you landed, you didn't hit the floor. Niall had somehow made his way underneath you, keeping you from landing on the hardwood.

"What the bloody hell was that?"

A light went on, revealing you and Niall in a very compromising position.

"On the floor, now? Is that what you kids are into these days?" Louis snorted, looking down at you two from his bunk.

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