Fathers Day - Niall

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Niall:  You were sitting back stage with your feet up waiting for Niall and the rest of the guys from One Direction come back from sound check. You were nine months pregnant with your first child and Niall didn't want you out of his sight. It took a lot of convincing just to get him to go to sound check with the rest of the guys. You were reading a magazine when you felt the baby kick. You put the magazine down and started rubbing your belly. 

    "I wanna meet you sweet baby Rose." You whispered to your baby girl. "And so does your daddy." 

Like clock work, just like every other time she heard the word daddy she started kicking even harder. Just then the door flew open and Niall came rushing in.

    "How are you feeling princess?" He asked.

    "I'm fine Niall." You giggled. "She's just letting me know she's still in here."

Niall walked over to the couch and sat down next to you. He lifted your shirt up exposing your belly placing his hands one on each side and leaned his head down. Once he was close enough he began to talk to you little girl.

    "Hi my sweet Rose." He cooed. "Please come out and say Hi. We wanna meet you so much."

Just then you felt a sharp pain in your side. Niall saw you flinch and his eyes grew wide.

    "What was that?" He asked. 

    "I'm not sure." You whimpered feeling it again. 

Before either of you could say another word you felt like you peed your pants. Niall must have noticed because he jumped up and off the couch.

    "Niall my water just broke." You whispered. 

He ran out of the room to grab Paul. After only second the two of them came back with a wheelchair. 

    "We're got to get you to the hospital." Paul stated. 

Not far behind them was Cal and Paul began to speak to him saying, "Cal please go tell the other boys that Y/n is going into labor and I have to get her and Niall to the hospital."

Cal nodded and all of you were off. Niall helped you into the car and once the door was shut Paul was off. You held onto Niall tight as the contraction began closer together and more painful. Tears fell from your eyes and Niall just held you saying, "We're almost there princess I promise."

Once at the hospital Niall helped you out rushing you inside. He told the nurse what was going on and they helped you into one of the rooms. She helped you change into a nightgown and laid you in the bed. The doctor was in shortly after and gave you an exam. He informed you both that you were ten centimeters dilated and you could start pushing. Niall stood right next to you, holding your hand, whispering encouragement in your ear. You held onto his hand as tight as you could and you wondering how it wasn't broken yet. After about an hour and a half of pushing you heard the most amazing scream you had ever heard. Niall kissed your forehead tears streaming down his face. The nurse cleaned off baby Rose and handed her over to proud papa Horan. The instant she was put into her father's arms she stopped crying. 

    "Hi baby Rose." Niall spoke still crying. "I'm your dad. You're more beautiful than I could have ever imagined."

He walked over to you and handed you your little bundle of joy. You looked down at her, tears pooling in your eyes. 

    "She's beautiful." You whispered. 

    "Just like her mother" He smiled kissing your forehead. 

You looked over at the clock a smile curving your lips.

    "Hey Niall." 

    "Yeah princess?" He asked.

    "Happy Father's Day." You whispered a smiling forming on across his lips. 

    "Best Father's Day gift ever."

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