Pregnancy Series - Bringing The Baby Home - Harry

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Harry: You sat in a wheelchair, holding your bundled up baby girl Aimee in your arms as a nurse wheeled you outside to Harry's large black range rover. He walked toward you and grabbed Aimee out of your arms as you slowly stood up and opened the back door to the car. He placed her tiny body into the pink and gray carseat he brought from home, buckling her up snuggly when he turned to you and helped you into the backseat next to her. "Ready?" he grinned, showing his dimples as you smiled and nodded. He closed the door and started up the engine, driving away from all the nurses and doctors that had been helping with Aimee since she was born a few days earlier. "Well babe, we're on our own now...." you explained while gazing down at the beautiful sleeping baby beside you. "'s kinda scary, but I know we can do this," he assured you, locking eyes with you as you looked into his rearview mirror. He pulled up into the driveway and opened the back door. You unclicked the carseat and watched as Harry picked it up gently, making sure not to wake Aimee as you got out of the car and followed him inside. "Well Aimee ....this is your new home!" Harry exclaimed as he walked through the front door. "Shh Harry! She's sleeping!" you chuckled while he set the carseat on the soft couch in the living room. "Well she needs a welcome home, sleeping or not!" he answered back, causing you both to laugh a bit....quietly of course. You took a seat next to her, Harry doing the same, "we're all together...finally," he smiled at you, grabbing you hand and intertwining your fingers with his. You leaned in and placed your lips upon his when you heard a soft whimper coming from behind you. You instantly turned around and picked up the blanket covered baby, cradling her gently in your arms as she continued to fuss about. "Harry can you go make a bottle?" you asked as you switched Kyler's position in your arms. "Um....yeah....where's the stuff?" he asked, obviously not knowing what to do. You chuckled, "here...take Aimee and follow me," you explained as you handed off the baby girl to Harry's strong arms. He followed you into the kitchen where you showed him how to quickly fix up a bottle, "you're a natural," he smiled big, showing all his pearly whites as he grabbed the bottle from you and placed it to Aimee's mouth. "You are too babe, just look at you with her," you muttered, your eyes getting teary from the beautiful sight before you. You dabbed the corners of your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt as you looked up into his green eyes, "I love you Harry, forever," you said as you placed an arm around his torso and leaned your head gently on his shoulder. "I love you too (Y/N)....more than anything in the world," he replied back while looking down at Aimee , "you too my little angel," he smiled as you both stood in the kitchen and gazed down at the beautiful girl Harry held in his arms. 

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