Punk Series - "Please Don't Go" - Niall

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Niall: Niall and I had been up all night talking. I weren't even sure what we were talking about. I hadn't even realized how long we had been talking, until we walked to the front of the guitar shop, to look at some Elixer strings that Niall wanted to show me. When, we got to the front, the store was lit up, by the mid-morning sunshine.

"Holy shit." Niall muttered, rubbing his neck.

"Wow," I laughed walking around him. "Looks like, I've over stayed my welcome." I looked down.

"No," Niall reached for my arm. "Please don't go." he took a step towards me. "Let me take you on a proper date." he smiled.

I smiled at him. "I'd like that."

"My friend owns a little bakery next door, and we could go over there for breakfast. Then, I'll take you where ever you want." He walked over to get my coat, and help me put it on. Then, grabbed his.

"Deal." I grinned, following him in to the chilly morning.

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