You Have Dimples - Niall

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"Smile for me, Princess."

You looked up from your book at your boyfriend, "Why...?"

"Because I want you to," he replied, a grin making its way onto his face.

"But why do you want me to?" you started to smile, lowering the book to rest on your lap.

He was silent for a few minutes, and an idea of what he was up to got into your head. Niall was notorious for trying to take pictures of you when you were least expecting it. He claimed it was because the fans wanted it, and he wanted to show you off to the world.

You, however, were extremely camera shy. You didn't like being in pictures, especially alone, but Niall couldn't understand why. He thought you were the most beautiful person on earth, and even though you didn't think so, he said it was his duty as your boyfriend to make you realize how amazingly gorgeous you were. Apparently, pictures were the way to do that.

"No pictures, Niall," you frowned. "Please."

"But, Y/N, you have the cutest smile!" he said, revealing his cell phone.

"I do?" you raised your eyebrows at the compliment.

He nodded, coming over to you and sitting next to you on the window seat, "Yes, you do. Whenever your lips curve into a smile, you have these two little dimples that're doing it right now!"

"I can't help it! You're making me smile," you hid your face in your hands.

"Don't hide them," Niall chided you, trying to pull your hands from your face.

You were laughing now, "They're just dimples, Niall. A ton of people have them."

"But you're a special person," he pulled you into his lap, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "You're my princess."

You blushed before looking up at him to peck his lips, "Why are you so good to me, Niall?"

He nuzzled your cheek, "Because I love you."

"Aww, Niall," you kissed his cheek. "I love you, too."

"Enough to let me take a picture or four?" he asked, instantly sitting up. He looked so happy, his blue eyes twinkling with hope.

"Fine..." you sighed, giving into his pleas. "Take as many as you want, but you're only allowed to post two on Twitter."

"Thank you, Princess!" he kissed your cheek before getting up and taking out his phone. "Now yourself."

And you did, giving him a few hesitant poses before finally getting into it. Niall would throw in compliments here and there, and although he was really good at doing it regularly, you were feeling especially beautiful while Niall took picture after picture.

"Y/N, you have to look at these," he finally said after at least two dozen pictures. He came over by you, handing you the phone. "Do you see what I see, Y/N?"

He watched your face as you scrolled through the pictures, "Do you see how beautiful you are?"

You bit your bottom lip before nodding at him, "Thanks, Niall."

The pictures flattered you, and you knew he had planned this on purpose. He wanted you to feel comfortable behind the camera because, like he had told you a billion times before, you deserved to be in front of one.

"There's just one picture missing," he grinned taking his phone back from you. "Show me those adorable dimples, Y/N."

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