Pregnancy Series - Preparing For The Baby - Harry

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Harry: "Hey babe, I'm home!" Harry called out. He set down all the grocery bags that he had in his hands as you came waddling down the stairs. "Did you get the ice cream?" you asked excitedly. He dug through the bags and found it, handing the carton to you. "I have something else too," he smiled  while gently grabbing your hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb, "It's out in the car." He led you outside to the driveway where his black Range Rover sat, and opened the back door. "Well....come here and look," he chuckled as you walked around the door and peeked inside. You jaw instantly dropped when you saw the carseat you had wanted for the longest time. "Oh my god...Harry!," you shouted ecstatically, hugging him as tight as you could. After a quick kiss on the lips you turned back to the very high end carseat and felt it's soft fabric. "I thought it was time to get know...since the baby's gonna be here soon," he grinned while placing his hand softly on the small of your back. "Harry...this is just...just perfect...thank you so much," you smiled as he wrapped an arm around you and held you close. 

One Direction Imagines and Preferences Book 5Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora