Pregnancy Series - Mood Swings - Zayn

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Zayn: You rested your head on Zayn's shoulder as you watched some TV together. "I'm gonna go get a drink, want anything?" he asked as stood up. "Yea can your bring me some water and M&M's?" you asked excitedly. He chuckled and kissed your lips, "alright babe, I'll be right back." After a few minutes he came back with your glass of water on one hand and his bottle of soda in the other. "What the hell Zayn, I asked you to bring only 2 things and you forgot one of them...were you not paying attention to anything I was saying?" you rudely asked. He reached behind him and pulled a bag of M&M's out of his pocket, "here," he said as he handed it to you. You reached for the bag and began laughing uncontrollably, "Oh m-my god.....I'm s-sorry babe." He gave you a weird look since you had just went from being a complete bitch to tearing up from laughing so hard, "It's fine babe.......pregnancy sure does some weird things," he chuckled as he took a seat next to you. Your laughing soon faded and you happily opened your bag of M&M's, "thank you babe, I'm craving these so bad right now!" you exclaimed as you popped one of the chocolatey treats into your mouth. "I know (Y/N), I have a whole cabinet stocked up don't you worry,"  he smiled while resting a hand on your thigh. You chuckled as you placed your head back onto his shoulder like before and continued watching TV, finishing the bag of M&M's in only a few minutes. 

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