Suited up - Niall

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Niall: With his jacket long forgotten and his hands shoved into his pockets he chuckled at something silly spewing from Harry's lips. You don't know how long you were staring, but it was as if you couldn't tear your eyes off him. "Should probably just go talk t him." Liam chuckled flopping into the seat beside you, "Tell him how lovely he looks in a suit." He let out another chuckle and you groaned reaching over at swatting at his shoulder. "Liam shut up." You grumbled narrowing your eyes at him and he shrugged. "What it's the reason why you keep staring though right? Don't even bother denying it [Y/N] I saw your face when he walked in 'ere." Liam teased bumping his shoulder into yours. "Why does he look so good Li." You groaned burying your face in your hands as he let out a chuckle with a shake of his head. "You're just as bad as he is." He mumbled.

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