Fathers Day - Louis

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Louis: Louis is on tour in America for this years father's day. He had called you a the day before and you could tell that being away from you and your 4 year old son Tommy was taking a toll on him. So once you hung up with him, you instantly called Paul and worked out a plan for you guys to fly out to see him. Long story short, that is how you and Tommy ended up in Louisville. You were sitting in your hotel room with your 4 year old son smiling as he made his dad a Father's Day card.

"Are you excited to see your dad?" You asked sitting on the floor next to him.

"Yes." He nodded. "I just don't understand why we can't see him now."

"I know buddy." You whispered kissing his forehead. "But he has a really busy day. Remember he had all his fans to meet."

"I know." He nodded still coloring.

"Plus wasn't it your idea to go and see him while he was on stage?" You asked smiling.

"Yes it was." He nodded remembering. "He's gonna be so surprised."

"Yes his is." He laughed.

The two of you continued to color until it was time to head over to the arena. Paul arranged for a Black SUV to pick you and Tommy up driving you straight to and in the arena through the underground entrance so you wouldn't be seen. Once the two of you got out you were met by a very excited Harry Styles.

"He's going to flip out when he sees you guys." Harry smiled wrapping you in a hug.

"I can't wait to see my dad." Tommy smiled hugging Harry's leg.

"He's going to be so excited to see you buddy." Harry began bending down to his level. "He's missed you both so very much."

Harry then picked up Tommy and led you guys to an empty room. The room had a couch and was nice and cozy. You and Harry worked everything out and decided it would be best to come out during twitter questions. Harry would throw in a question and when Louis answered it that would be your cue. He kissed your forehead once again and headed out. Before you knew it, both you and Tommy were waiting for your cue to come on stage. The boys had just started twitter questions and your boy was starting to get antsy.

"Okay our next question say, 'If you boys could wish for anything right now what would it be and why?'" Liam read. "What do you boys think?"

"As most of you know today is Father's Day and if I could have anything in the world..." Louis began with a small smile. "I just wish I could see my little boy. I miss him so very much."

Before you knew what was happening Tommy let go of your hand and ran up behind his father. The crowd started going mental and Harry said, "Well looks like you got your wish Lou."

Louis turned around and dropped to his knees in front of his son. He wrapped in a huge hug and began to cry.

"I missed you daddy." Tommy whispered but he was close enough to the mic so everyone could hear him.

"I missed you too buddy." He smiled pulling his closer. "How did you get here?"

"With mommy, duh." He spoke and the audience started laughing.

You walked onto the stage and waved shyly at Lou. He picked up Tommy and walked over to where you were standing. He wrapped you in a hug and pressed his lips to your head.

"Thank you so much Y/n." He smiled tears still shining in his blue eyes.

"You're welcome Lou." You smiled. "Happy Father's Day."

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