Pregnancy Series - The Baby Is Asked About In An Interview - Louis

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Louis: "The scariest part of being a father?" Louis repeated the question he had just got asked to him by Ellen. "Well nothings really scary anymore.....the beginning was quite ruff though," Louis chuckled as he remembered back to when Brooke was a newborn. "Baths were definitely scary, she was just so tiny and I was always afraid she was gonna slip out of my hands or something....and I was also always afraid I was gonna hit her head cause of those soft spots babies have.....I was  really careful with that," he smiled while nodding his head toward Ellen. "So nothing to scary anymore? That's good," she grinned. "Well I mean being away from her like this is pretty frightening you know? What if something happens and I'm not there for her or my wife.....that's just stuff I don't like to think about, but it's always in the back of my mind," Louis confessed, half smiling to the ground as his body filled with emotion. "Well you seem like a great father and I hope you're able to see your family soon, I know it's hard being away from the ones you love," Ellen spoke. "Very hard," he sighed, Ellen patting his leg comfortingly before asking a question to Zayn. 

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