Punk Series - First Kiss - Zayn

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Zayn: Sophie hadn't been feeling well lately so you and Zayn had been walking your route without her. "I cannot believe how gorgeous it is today?" He begins as the two of you head into town. "It's been like two months, you don't have to talk to me about the weather," you explain with a smile. "What's wrong with the weather?" He asks, returning your smile. You playfully shrug off his question and continue walking. Once up to the shops you can't help but slow to look in the windows even though they had been filled with the same things for a while now. "Oh no," you whine, coming up to the shop where the ombre button-ups once were. "What?" He asks coming up behind you. "They're gone," you explain, sadness in your tone. "Oh." "I almost had enough money to buy them all." "They could have just taken them from the window. They could still be in there." His sensibility wasn't hitting you. You had been saving for ages to be able to afford to purchase them all at once. You slouch over and turn from the window. "(Y/N)," he says with a slight laugh. "Just go in and see if they've just moved them." You say nothing as you pout in front of the window. "You're being a whiner." You perk up only to glare at him for his comment. "Go in!" You sigh dramatically loud as you make your way into the cove of the store to open the door. He follows in behind you, looking around to try and spot the shirts. You search every rack in the small shop and come up with nothing. "They're gone," you reply, disappointment clear in your tone and on your face. "For you madam," you hear from behind you. The store owner stands behind you with a smile, holding out a paper bag with the store name printed on the side. "What is this?" You ask her but she only smiles. You set the bag down on the nearby checkout desk to discover its contents. "No way!" You shout as you pull out the first of the five studded collared, ombre, button-ups that you had spent months yearning after. "But I don't have the money with me," you tell the owner, disappointment returning to your voice. "It's already been taken care of dear," she explains. "By who?" You question. She falls silent but nods to Zayn who was stood behind you. You quickly turn around to him with a bright smile. Loosing yourself in your happiness you leap into him, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your lips firmly onto his. He willing wraps his tattooed arms around your waist, pulling you closer into him. You soon come back to reality and slowly step back from him. "I'm sorry," you confess, unsure of why you chose to relieve your emotions in that way. "Why?" He questions as he laughs. "I don't know." He smiles and holds out his hand for you to take. You thank the owner before grabbing your bag from the counter and taking his hand to leave the store.  

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