He Kisses You While You're Talking

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Louis: You were sitting in the car, staring out at the lake, hand in hand with Louis. You had just spent a fun day together, hanging out around London and having a good time. Your day ended here, and you couldn't be happier. "So, fun day today?" Louis asked, staring at you. "Best day ever" you sighed, leaning your head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you had a good time." "A good time?" you said, leaning back up, "I had a great time! It was so fun. We went to fun museums and saw cool sights, so much stuff. And I loved being with you all day and the pa-" you were cut off by Louis pressing his lips to yours. You felt dizzy, like the kiss had intoxicated you with its power. You kissed back, putting your arms around his neck and almost pulling him over the centre console. You two broke apart, and you gasped lightly. "You're so pretty" Louis said, smirking. You blushed and took his hand.

Niall: You were watching TV when Niall walked in. He was with Josh, and the two had been out all day. "Hi Princess" he called, walking straight into the kitchen. You waved, too enthralled in the movie you were watching. "What movie?" Josh whispered, sitting on the chair beside you. "Shawshank Redemption" you replied, staring at the screen. "Never seen it" Josh settled into his chair. "What?!" you replied, pausing it. He looked at you like you had three heads. You paused the movie and turned to him. "I can't believe you have never seen it. You have to watch this movie. I wont give too much away, but basically this guy gets arrested and he goes to jail, right? So he gets to prison and he makes friends wi-" you were cut off by Niall bending down and kissing you. You heard Josh laugh a little as Niall kissed you deeper and deeper. You slung your arm over his neck and rubbed the base of his neck. Niall pulled apart, made aware of Josh by him clearing his throat. You smiled, and Niall pressed his forehead to yours. "Hey babe" he smiled. "Hi" you smiled back.

Liam: You and Liam were at a museum. You were looking at different exhibits and you were totally mesmerized by all the cool ancient artifacts. Liam seemed less amused, shuffling his feet and groaning. Apparently he wasn't the only one not interested in it, because there wasn't a soul in the museum besides the odd security guard. "Look Li" you said, calling him over to an exhibit. "This is a fossil of a bird from, like, 300 BC. Isn't that insane? You know, I think its so crazy that the world has been around so long. You know, like, that it got all the way" your train of thought ended. Liam was kissing you, and the fossil meant nothing now. Knowing you were alone, you kissed him back. You rubbed your hand in his hair and he ran his hand up your back, under your shirt. "Um excuse me" you heard from behind you, and you broke your kiss. There was an elderly security guard standing there. "I am so sorry" Liam said, taking your hand. You two bolted out of the museum, laughing and blushing.

Harry: "What do you mean you don't want to go to the movie?" you asked, standing in the door of the living room dressed to go out. "I am just not feeling up to it" he said, turning to you. "You're joking" you dropped your purse on the floor. Harry stood and walked over to you, leaning his arm up on the wall. "Y/N, I'm tired. I don't feel like going out and dealing with the paparazzi taking my pictures. I just want to stay in and go to bed early." You were furious. You felt your hands clench and your jaw tighten. Harry's chest tensed, almost like he was preparing for the lion to roar. "Why the hell wouldn't you tell me that before I got ready. You had ample opportunity to bitch about being tired and the paparazzi when I was showering, doing my hair, doing my makeup and getting dressed. Instead you decided to wait un -" Harry lunged towards you, pressing his lips to yours. You were mad, but Harry pushed you up against the wall and you couldn't get away. Instead of fighting it, you succumbed to him. He broke away and you leaned in wanting more. He smiled, "I have another plan for the night." "I thought you were tired." "I think I've got a bit of energy left" he replied, kissing you again.

Zayn: "So then, he turns to me and starts talking about his ex. Like, isn't the cardinal rule of first dates that you don't talk about exes? What the hell. So I was like, being super quiet and wasn't paying attention..." You were on the phone with your friend, and she was talking your ear off. You figured if you hung up, she wouldn't even notice. You would throw in the occasional 'hmm' or 'oh wow' when it seemed to fit, but you were not paying attention. You heard the door cream open and in walked Zayn. "Hey boo" he said, waving. You pointed to the phone and then rolled your eyes. He smirked and continued to the bedroom to change. "Wow" you said into the phone, hearing a lull. "I know! I was like 'what is wrong with you!?' but even my reaction didn't slow him down..." You held the phone to your ear, listening to her stories. Suddenly, you felt someone push you on the couch and you were kissed deeply. You opened your eyes slightly and saw Zayn, kissing you passionately. You kissed him back, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Y/N?! Are you even there?" you heard your phone. You broke the kiss and put the phone to your ear. "Sorry, you're breaking up. Gotta go" you said quickly, hanging up and getting back to Zayn.

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