Punk Series - First Kiss - Louis

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Louis: "Is it always like this on Sunday's?" He asks from his place on the counter. "When it rains yeah," you reply from across the store. It had been completely dead all day. Louis apparently had nothing better to do than to sit on the desk all day while you wander around to keep yourself busy, but you didn't mind. "Why can't you just close up then?" "Because it's only two in the afternoon." He shakes his head, clearly not understanding the impossibility of his request. "Well here's one," he calls, seeing a guy from across the lot, running to try and beat the rain. "It's a bloody mess out there," he informs as he shakes off the drops he had collected on his way in. "What can I do for you?" You ask, walking over to him. As soon as you are in his presence you are made aware of how incredibly handsome he was, not to mention how amazing he smelled. "I need some new cleats," he explains. "What brand are you thinking about dear?" You inquire, standing noticeably close to him, or at least Louis thought so. He remained on the counter top as you escorted the customer to the shoe section. "I had Adidas the last time, but I think I want to try something new. What would you recommend?"  "Well we have a lot of options so how about I bring you out a variety and you can see which best works for you?" "I would like that a lot," he said from the bench you had sat him at. "I bet you would," Louis remarks from the counter. Your eyes shrink as you scowl in his direction before heading to the back. Upon your return, Louis had moved from his position on the counter top to a spot in the floor across from the bench your handsome customer was at. You chuckle and roll your eyes once you notice him in the floor, series expression and all of his 'scary' tattoos in full view. "You're ridiculous," you whisper to him as you sit down the boxes of cleats you had brought from the stock room. "Alright, try this one first," you instruct, redirecting your attention. "How did you know my size?" He asks with a smile. "I.." "She sizes a lot of people, including me," Louis interrupts. You glare at him and return your attention to handing the cleats over. "Those are the new Nike's," you begin to explain. "We just got those in a few days ago." "These are sick," he says standing up to let his feet settle into them. "They look great. How do they feel?" "Awesome," he begins, his mouth still open to continue his statement. "Alright then those are clearly the ones you need to get," Louis interrupts yet again, getting up from his spot in the floor. You roll your eyes and turn back to your customer while Louis makes his way back on top of the counter. "Would you like to try anymore on?" You ask him, pointing out that you had brought out more options. "Actually I think he's right, I think these will do great. Thank you so much." "No problem, let's check you out." "Or not," Louis responds, causing you to think about how what you had said sounded. Once at the counter the two of you stare at Louis. "Louis?" You question from behind him. He turns around with a smile. "Yes babe?" "Are you going to get down so this nice guy can purchase his shoes?" Louis turns back around and slowly slides down onto the floor, starring the guy down the entire way. "Let's hope those last so you don't have to come back anytime soon," he says as the guy walks to the door with his shoe box in the bag beside him. The guy nods cautiously and exits. Louis quickly turns back around as you walk up beside him. "What was that all about?" You ask him, your arms crossed. He takes one step towards you to close the space in between. You look up at him, still wanting an answer. He quickly leans down, pressing his lips to yours, both hands on either side of your face. Your arms uncross as you grasp onto his wrists, kissing him back with passion. Once he pulls back, your eyes are slow to open. "You're mine," he whispers in response to the question you had clearly forgotten.

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