He Gets Protective Whilst You're On Tour With Them - Harry

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"Harry Styles!"

"Over here, Harry!"

"Look at me!"

"I love you, Harry!"

The crowds were crazy today as you walked out your hotel, hand-in-hand with your boyfriend of seven months, Harry Styles.

"Y/N! Smile!"

"Y/N! What's it like dating Harry Styles?"

You were used to this, used to the mobs of reporters, fans, and camera flashes. You and Harry often ignored them, only stopping to sign a fan's poster or take a selfie with them. It was mostly Harry who did that stuff, though, and occasionally, someone would ask you to join in the photo or add your signature.

You took it in stride, letting Harry be your guide with your hand clasped tightly in his.

"Y/N! Did you hear about the Harry and C/G/N scandal?"

Harry froze, his pen no longer moving on the piece of paper a fan had handed him.

"C/G/N and Harry were seen holding hands the other day. Any comment, Y/N?"

"How do you feel, Y/N, finding out you aren't enough for the Harry Styles?"

This wasn't too uncommon. You two usually ignored rumors, but you could feel Harry's fiery eyes on your face. These specific rumors were new to you, but you knew Harry would never do such a thing while dating you. He wasn't like that. Still, the last question hurt.

You tried to show no reaction because that's what they wanted, and who knows what kind of stories they would make from this?

"Excuse me, but where and when exactly did you see me with C/G/N?" Harry asked, finishing the signature and handing it back to the fan before walking over to the group of reporters.

"Here, in the city," one replied.

"Around noon."

"That's funny," Harry smiled, "because I was with Y/N for the whole afternoon yesterday, and I'm pretty sure C/G/N left for Los Angeles yesterday morning."

That shut them up.

"I thought so," he whispered, bringing your hand up to his lips before leading you to the car that was waiting for you.

Once you were in the backseat, Harry pulled you close to him, pressing a loving kiss to your lips, "Thank you, Love."

"For what?" you breathed, looking up into his green eyes.

He grinned before leaning in again for another kiss, "For being strong and believing in me."

One Direction Imagines and Preferences Book 5Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ