Pregnancy Series - The Baby Is Asked About In An Interview - Zayn

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Zayn: The petite blonde haired woman smiled toward Zayn as she brought the microphone to her lips, "Zayn, tell us about your new baby boy! He is absolutely adorable by the way," she sweetly spoke. "Thanks! Yea he's definitely a cutie," he smirked. "He's actually a great little baby....he doesn't cry that much which is good and my favorite thing is definitely his hair. He just has so much, it's actually quite funny......I get some gel sometimes and quiff it up like mine," he laughed as he pulled out his phone happily and brought up a picture of the matching hair-dos. "See? How can a little baby have that much hair?" he chuckled as he showed the picture to the smiling interviewer and the boys. "Aw! So cute! He looks so much like you," she spoke. "Yea they're like twins right?!" Liam smiled while looking toward Zayn. He grinned widely, "yea I get that a lot, but I don't see it....i think he looks more like his mom if you ask me," he replied, placing his phone back into his jeans pocket. "Plan on getting any tattoos dedicated to him?" she smirked while taking a look at his ink covered arm. "Yea! I'm actually planning on getting his footprints somewhere, just not sure where yet," he chuckled while clasping his hands together on his lap. "Well your son is so cute and you seem like a great father," she said happily. Zayn's eyes beamed, "thank you," he replied, grinning from ear to ear as the interviewer turned to ask Harry a question. 

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