Personal For Mia

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Personal Request for Mia - Telling Him You're Pregnant - Harry

"I need to tell you something" you traced the rim of your cup as you sat with Lou in her living room

"What's up hun? Is everything okay with you and Harry?" she questioned as she moved closer to you on the sofa

"Yeah yeah everything's great!" you smiled as she relaxed with a sigh of relief and slumped back into the sofa

"Um, I'm not really sure how to-" you stuttered while you placed your mug on the table next to you

"Mia, just tell me, you know you can tell me anything" you grabbed your hand in a reassuring manner

"I'm pregnant" the words slipped out of your moth sooner than you thought

"Is it Harry's?" she questioned while rubbing your hand to continue reassure you

"Yeah of course it is!-" you snapped

"Sorry, I've just been so edgy lately" you could feel the tears brimming in your eyes

"Mia that's great! And don't worry I completely understand how your feeling with all the beginning hormones starting to change but I know how much you and Harry want children but his career always being a factor but I'm so happy for you!" she pulled you into a tight hug on the sofa as she excitedly rocked you back and forth

"Does he know?" she questioned

You shook your head in response

"How are you going to tell him?" she asked

"I haven't got a clue, considering its Fathers Day tomorrow I was thinking to tie it in with that maybe, I'm just so worried about how he's going to react" you admitted

"Honey he's going to be so happy! He's been telling me how much he wants to start a family with you for about 4 months now" she smiled

"I have the perfect idea of how you can tell him!" she added with a huge smile growing on her face

*The next day*

"Harryyyyyyyyyyy" you called from the lounge to your boyfriend in the kitchen

"Wassup beautiful" harry called back

"Can you come here for a minute please" you replied while sitting up on the sofa waiting for him to come through to join you

"What's wrong Mia?" he strolled into the lounge and sat down on the sofa next to you with a worried look on his face

"I got you something for Fathers Day" you pulled the present from behind your back and handed it to him

"You got me something for Fathers Day?" he was clearly confused and you could understand why

"Well Lou got Tom something so I thought I should get you something as well" you smiled to try and cover up your nervousness

"Oh, well thanks babe" he planted a soft kiss to your lips and began to unwrap the present

"What is it?" he laughed as he held the baby grown up in the air "I gotta say babe, it might be a little small for me" he chucked

"Read it" you rolled your eyes and hoped for the best

"Daddy's little rockstar" he read out loud

"Mia?" he took your hands in his

"Are you trying to tell me something?" he quietly asked but you still couldn't face him as you kept you head facing the floor

"Baby look at me" he took one finger and lifted your chin to face him

"I'm pregnant Harry" you nervously stuttered out

A few moments passed which felt like forever

"Mia that's amazing!" harry yelped and pulled you into a tight hug

"You're not going to flip out about how we can't because of you always being away?" you questioned

"Babe are you joking, I've wanted to start a family with you for a while now but wasn't sure how to tell you" he confessed

"I will do anything to make sure that I am there for you no matter what, you can ring me from the other side of the world at 3 in the morning even if you just want ice cream and I will make sure you get it if I can't bring it to you, I promise you now Mia I will be here for you and the baby no matter what" he smiled before crashing his lips onto yours

He placed his hand on your stomach as you rested your head in the crook of his neck

"Daddy's little rockstar aye" he whispered as he began to trace circles on your stomach

"But if you start to hurt mummy while I'm not here I won't be very happy with you" he chuckled

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