Punk Series - "Please Don't Go" - Liam

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Liam: Liam had lent me one of his t-shirts, and also insisted that I sleep in his bed. Then, he took the couch. The small house, in the back of the surf shop, had pale blue walls. A nice old counter, and a brown clothe couch, with a flat-screen in front of it. Surfing awards, lined the old walls. I walked down, the short hallway, and smelt pancakes. I peered out, and saw Liam still in his surf suit. It was unzipped to expose his bare, inked chest. The ring in his ear, shining. He turned to put pancakes on a plate, that he put on the counter. He glanced up, and noticed me staring.

"Morning, love." he smiled.

"Morning." I blushed, embarrassed I had been caught.

"I made breakfast." he grinned, handing me the plate.

I studied my pancakes, before grabbing a fork and digging in. They tasted really good.

"There delicious." I said shocked.

"You sound surprised." he raised an eyebrow. "It's my mom's recipe." he took a bite.

"I really shouldn't be at this point." I shook my head. "What other secrets are you hiding?"

He studied his pancakes. "I left home at 16." he said taking another bite.

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I wanted to start my own life. My parent's didn't understand. So I left." he walked over to the refrigerator, and pulled out some juice. "The last thing my Mom said to me was, 'Please don't go.'" He poured himself some juice.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"It's fine." he handed me a glass. "To change the subject though, I rented as speed-boat, and I have tickets to my friends football game tonight."

"Really." I grinned.

"And it would be a shame, if you didn't join me." he took my hand, and studied it's size compared to his.

"I'd love too." I smiled.

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