Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness - Harry

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Harry: As soon as you woke up, you felt a wave of nausea overcome you. "Shit!" you exclaimed as you ran straight for the porcelain throne in the bathroom. You emptied out the contents in your stomach as Harry ran in after you. He gently grabbed all of your hair and began rubbing your back, "I'm so sorry you have to go through with this..." he sighed as you puked a bit more into the toilet. "I guess it's just something I have to deal with," you said while Harry helped you up off the floor and to the sink. You brushed your teeth and gargled some minty mouthwash and rested your hands on your growing baby bump, "I'd really love it if you stopped making mommy puke every morning," you chuckled, making Harry smile. "Me too!" he laughed, placing one of his huge hands on your belly. He gazed into your eyes, "Love you," he smiled. "Love you to babe," you softly replied as he kissed your cheek. "So how does some breakfast sound?....or is that a bad idea?" he asked while furrowing his eyebrows. "Are you kidding? I'm starving! " you laughed as Harry grabbed your hand and led you downstairs to the kitchen.

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