Pregnancy Series - Bringing The Baby Home - Niall

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Niall: Niall grabbed your hand and helped you carefully into the backseat of his car right next to your beautiful sleeping boy, Jayden. He opened up his car door and took a seat, revving up the engine and driving away from the hospital. "Still sleeping?" Niall asked as you gently caressed Jayden's smooth cheek. "Yup, he only fell asleep a few minutes ago, so I'm sure he'll be out for a while," you chuckled as Niall pulled up to the house. You unclicked the carseat next to you and slowly got out of the car, finally walking inside your home as a family. Niall headed straight to the fridge for some leftover Nandos of course as you set the carseat down on the hard wooden floor beneath you, "I think I'm gonna go put him in his crib, wanna come?" you asked as he took a bite of the chicken he had just warmed up. He nodded his head as you picked up the carseat yet again and walked back toward the nursery. You gently unbuckled him and lifted his tiny body up, setting him softly down on a fuzzy blue blanket you had got as a gift at your baby shower. Niall placed his pointer finger down in Jayden's hand, his tiny fingers grasping around it, "he's so cute," Niall smiled big, his cheeks reddening slightly. You rested your head on his shoulder, "just like his daddy," you grinned, looking down as Niall grabbed a tiny football (soccer ball) pillow and placed it near Jayden's body. "He's gonna be a footballer just watch....." he spoke softly while snaking an arm around your waist. "Well you're gonna have to wait awhile until you can teach him anything," you giggled as you walked out of the nursery and towards the kitchen again. Niall grabbed some more food and sat at the kitchen counter next to you, sharing some more leftover chicken when you heard soft crying coming from down the hall. You both glanced at each other and walked rather quickly down the hall. You picked Jayden up out of his crib and rocked him in your arms, causing his crying to die down quite a bit. "I think he's hungry," you explained, Niall instantly walking off to the kitchen and warming one up. He came back soon after and placed the bottle in Jayden's mouth, you both watched as he slowly suckled with his big eyes wide open. "You have your daddy's pretty blue eyes don't you?" you smiled down at the baby boy in your arms. You looked up at Niall and pressed you lips to his, "we did a good job with him," you chuckled a bit while turning your attention back to Jayden. "We sure did," he smiled back as you tenderly placed the baby boy into his waiting arms. 

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